Dublin Ohio Ballantrae Home SalesDublin Ohio Ballantrae Home Sales currently has nine homes for sale according to Columbus MLS. These homes have mostly 4-5 bedrooms, at least 3 baths, and are in the $425,000 - $579,900 price range. All nine homes are situated on nearly .30 acre lots. The nine
Clinton Estates Columbus OH Recent ListingsClinton Estates Columbus OH Recent Listings currently are three according to Columbus MLS. These three homes have 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths and are in the $50,000 - $129,850 price range. All three homes are situated on .17-.18 acre lots. The three homes
Homes for Sale Woodsfield Pickerington OHHomes for Sale Woodsfield Pickerington OH are listed as one right now, according to Columbus MLS. This one home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, listed at $$209,800. The home is on a quarter acre lot. Information on this home:12024 Woodstock AvenueRanch styl
Winding Creek Pickerington Ohio Homes for SaleWinding Creek Pickerington Ohio currently has one homes for sale, according to Columbus MLS. This home has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, is listed for $469,900 and is situated on .53 acre lot. 12584 Brook Forest Circle Ranch home featuring a 3 car garage,
Haaf Farms Home Sales Pickerington Ohio 43147Haaf Farms Home Sales Pickerington Ohio 43147 have equaled 7 in 2018 according to Columbus MLS. These 7 home sales were on the market for an average of 39 days and sold for an average of $316.355 ($103.74 per sqft). Currently Haaf Farms has 2 homes f
Sam Cooper, Villages at Sycamore Creek Home SalesSam Cooper, Villages at Sycamore Creek Home Sales have equaled 15 in 2018 according to Columbus MLS. These 15 home sales were on the market for an average of 15 days and sold for an average of $226.593 ($123.93 per sqft). Villages at Sycamore Cre
Royal Elm Home Sales Blacklick OH 43004Royal Elm Home Sales Blacklick OH 43004 have equaled 13 in 2018 according to Columbus MLS. These 13 home sales sold for an average of $216,190 ($109.72 per sqft) and sold in an average of 24 days on the market. Royal Elm is a "new homes subdivision in Blac
Home Sales Dublin OH 43017, Sam Cooper HERHome Sales Dublin OH 43017, Sam Cooper HER have equaled 4 according to Columbus MLS in 2018. These 4 home sales in Coventry Woods sold for an average of $510.268 ($154.37 per sq ft) and were on the market an average of 41 days. Coventry Woods in Dublin
Wedgewood Park Estates Home Sales Powell OH 43065Wedgewood Park Estates Home Sales Powell OH 43065 have equaled 6 (according to Columbus MLS) in 2018. These 6 home sales in Powell OH sold for an average of $176,500 ($198.34 per sq ft) and sold in an average of 86 days. According to the builder'
New Condo Listing in Waggoner ParkNew Condo Listing in Waggoner Park. According to Columbus MLS, there were 21 condos sold in this community in 2018. These 21 condos sold for an average of $117,414 and were sold in an average of 22 days. Waggoner Park is a great community with pools, workout f