One of the most common questions i hear is "When is the right time of the year to buy a home?" Is there a time of the year that is better than another for buying?As far as buying most sources, they will say it is better to buy in the winter when there are less buyers to bid against, there is less...
One of the most common questions form home owners is "When is the right time of the year to sell?" Is there one time of the year that is better than another?The first answer is that there are more buyers looking in the spring and summer, especially in the northern states where cold weather and sn...
As a buyer, your goal is to get the a property at the bets price and terms possible. If you can get it under market value your are getting a "a deal" and will be real happy.In a decling economy the first sign of the times is "the low ball offer". By using this term, a low ball offer is when a buy...
In a decling economy the first sign of the times is "the low ball offer". By using this term, a low ball offer is when a buyer makes an offer way lower than current market value. This is often the most emotional thing that can happen to a seller when they receive their first low ball offer, your ...
One of the most common questions when it comes time to looking for a loan is where should i go. Should i go to a large nationwide bank or a small mortgage company.There is no right or wrong answer however there is pros and cons depending on your credit score.Bigger isnt always better, just bigger...
I always get asked "What is the biggest obstacle you face selling bank owned homes?". Unfortanately they are not obstacles, but true throwdown battles in most cases. I have created this blog as part of a new informative series of what obstacles buyers and agents face in this new world of REO (Rea...
Upon reading some recent threads on another site that offers questions and answers, it really got me thinking that what is apparant, is that a review of "net-iquette" is needed. The bottom line is if you could not say something to someone standing next to you then you should probabily hit the de...
With the increase in foreclosures and short sales has come the increase in vacant homes. With these vacant homes has comne a free for all of sorts. The people trusted to inspect them, appraise them and show them are helping themselves to items lft behind as well as the neighbors, friends and peop...
The single best way to increase your homes value with the lowest possible cost is to buy a box of trash bags...What.... Well the biggest thing you can do to increase value and desire is to clean up your home, both the inside and outside. While this sounds like common sense to some, to others they...
One of the most asked questions is 'When can i take possession or when can i occupy the property after i close my deal?"Typically most buyers take occupancy upon closing the deal. If you are getting a mortgage, most mortgages require you to move in immediately. Occupancy is something you can nego...