One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Godzyk Real Estate Services - NH License 033394



PRE FORECLOSURES ARE SIMPLY THAT, A HOUSE ENTERING INTO THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS...are they a deal?Well If you are looking to buy one, you need to know some things...One of the biggest myths in foreclosures is "getting a deal on a preforeclosure". Let me tell you why, most houses are not even for ...
New Hampshire has the second-fastest rate of job growth in the country, according to the U.S. Department of Labor as was reported July 26, 2010.Kentucky eaked out NH to take the top spot in terms of job growth per capita over the past 12 months. As reported in the Union Leader New Hampshire's une...
The NRDC report came out July 28, 2010 with it's list of the "Best Beaches" in the USA. Th NRDC report states the highest rated individual beaches in the nation are in New Hampshire, Minnesota and California as the top 3 states. New Hampshire came out first in the nation for beach quaility with H...
Hello everyone, I get frequent emails from agents who want to break into the REO listing business as they see my multiple answers and posts here on Trulia. The last couple of emails had me pondering how to respond... i get some great questions, some heart felt emails and a few quite rude ones to ...
An unfortanate market trend of late when dealing with short sales, is being able to get an honest answer if any other offers have been accepted, been signed or been sent to the sellers bank for approval.With short sales becoming a larger part of the market, short sale listings are becoming more c...
One of the most asked questions and most common call soliciting my business is from people who want to get into the foreclosure business., Either cleaning them, maintainging them, lawn care, snow removal, emergency services and changing the locks and yes other agents looking how to get the bank o...
THE QUESTION OF THE AFTERNOON IS :   HOW MANY HOUSES ARE TOO MANY TO SHOW TO ANY 1 BUYER IN A DAY?All buyers are not the same, some can see more houses than another set of buyers while other buyers dont want to see more than 2 houses. On average I dont like to show more than 3-4 houses to any one...
The single best way to increase your homes value with the lowest possible cost is to buy a box of trash bags...What.... Well the biggest thing you can do to increase value and desire is to clean up your home, both the inside and outside. While this sounds like common sense to some, to others they...
Todays question comes out of Voices,  it incorporates the question: "Is a condo  a townhouse " as well as a couple of other similar questions regarding condominiums and condo ownership.   First thing is that a condominium (often refered to as a condo) is a type of ownership, a towhouse is the sty...
One of the most common calls i get is when the seller tells me "I owe more than my house is worth, what choice do i have other than to let the bank foreclose on me."First thing is do not give up. If you owe more than your house is worth, if you are behind in your payments or not, there is help fo...

Scott Godzyk

One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
local_phone(603) 661-2121
Contact The Author
Scott Godzyk is the Owner/Broker of The Godzyk Real Estate Services located in Manchester NH. With 29 years of Real Estate experience Scott specializes in Listing and Selling Bank Owned Homes, Short Sales, Residential Properties, Condominiums, New Construction and Investment Properties. Scott services the counties of Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham and Belknap. To contact Scott Godzyk please call 603-661-2121 or email his website is