I just got back from showing my last house of the year. The potential buyers children headed for the backyard and dove into the snow. The parents did not seem to mind the kids getting all wet... before i could even think that most parents would be shouting for teh kids to get out of the snow... t...
Having been in Real Estate for 24 years i have garnered alot of different experiences working with customers buying and selling property. I wante dto share a touching story that happened recently.I had a customer call who wanted to meet me to see a house, she told me though that before she would ...
This Evening's question is; "SHOULD YOU LOWER YOUR ASKING PRICE??"Unfortanately in this market it is a common question. The first thing you have to do is get a new brokers price opinion completed to see where your house is priced in the market. If your house is priced above market value, with the...
I receive quite a few questions regarding how to make an offer and how to purchase a "Bank Owned" home. Today i was called by a reporter writing a story asking me to single out the most important thing to know when buying a bank owned home. I began by saying there was not just 1 item but a list o...
As a broker who lists alot of bank owned property i get to see some great houses both in reality and sarcasim. This one unfortanately is in a sarcastic note. This particular house in unusual to find in winter. I though t i would share it with you. Now isn't that pretty? Not really... it is a diss...
If you are a buyer, you want the best possible deal. Everyone has their advice how to get the best possible deal, but what is the right way and what is the wrong way?As a buyer, your goal is to get the a property at the best price and terms possible. If you can get it under market value your are ...
Updated Dec. 28, 2010Blog Written by: As i am driving around the city today, the amount of traffic has slowed down my travel enough to sit and ponder a few thoughts. Everyone that did not go out yesterday is out today Snow looks better on the branches of trees than in the road How do so many peop...
THE BANK OWNED DICTIONARYIf you are looking at bank owned homes, there are terms you may have heard. I constantly have potential buyers confused about what each means. I thought is would write a brief summary of each.PRE FORECLOSUREPre-foreclosure is when a home owner is late and the bank may or ...
There is a great debate growing on GETTING A MORTGAGE ONLINE VERSUS A LOCAL BANK/MORTGAGE COMPANY.There is a trend for potential buyers to look online for their mortgages. A couple of problems is buyers paying application fees and not getting a mortgage and not being able to reach anyone when the...
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!Wishing you all and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.Scott GodzykOwner/BrokerGodzyk Realty GroupOne of New Hampshire's Leading REO Brokerswww.ScottSellsNH.comCopyright 2008-2010, All rights reserved