Here are some scary facts. By 2010 there will 20 MILLION AIDS orphans in the world. 20 MILLION!!! 100 MILLION children in the world DO NOT have access to an education. This is CRAZY! America can help these children. Yes, they are children. They are the innocent victims of war, drought, and pover
Today is a very special day for me. Today, our Guatemalan born daughters received their California birth certificates and were officially granted their American given names. Our adoptions are official. There are two less orphans in the world today. They are now Americans. Americans with a chance
I wrote a post on Cafemom entitled I'm Just A Little Somber and A Bit Overwhelmed. One of my favorite Muthas there made a comment on it that struck a chord. (With regards to her going to Africa with one of her friends one day) she said "I wish I could go with her! I don't know how you do it with
For the past ten years we have hosted an Easter Egg Hunt. The first one started very small, Big Bro J and my two nephews. This year, there will be twelve kids ranging in age twelve to one, searching for eggs. This is a small gathering for us. We have had as many as fifteen children. I had heard
In February, I wrote a post about what inspired me to do more. I had never written it down before and the result changed me. I realized it was time to make a real change in my life. I wanted to create a place where we could learn. A place where we could educate ourselves about the world we live
Have you done your monthly self breast examination yet? If you haven't, it's time to get on it! If you don't know how to do your own breast exam, click HERE. This link will send you to the Susan G. Komen site. Once there, you can educate yourself about breast exams and breast cancer.. . . .
$22 FINE FOR RAPING A 4 YEAR OLD? In January 2007, Andrew C. James, a man with two prior domestic assault convictions, pled guilty to sexually assaulting a 4-year-old boy in Vermont. In a plea bargain, he was given a $22 fine and sentenced to rehabilitation and lifetime probation. Today, he walks
I am part of an amazing community of moms on a website called CafeMom. I wrote a post there informing some of my fellow Mutha's about a company called BeadForLife. I wrote about how I loved their products and gave some basic information about the beautiful necklaces that were made by Ugandan wome
I know, I know. It's too cold outside to play and those Chillins are bored out of their minds. So, here is the Tip of the week....Indoor play for those of you who live in freezing hell or just don't want to play outside today!!! That's right! Ballloon Volleyball! You can turn your living room or
When you have six kids, it can be VERY hard to make each kid feel special. There are just so many of them. So we make birthdays VERY, VERY SPECIAL. After they fall asleep, we decorate their room with balloons, streamers, flags, and a large Happy Birthday sign. It's fun for The Hubby and I to take