Shane Lott's (shanelott) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Lott Realty Group at Rashkind Saunders & Co.



But where do I park my car in the Museum or Fan Districts?   It's a valid question and one that this REALTOR® is asked nearly every day.  Or better yet, does this house have off-street parking or a garage?   So here are a few parking considerations when buying a home in the Museum or Fan District...
Sounds scary ... moving to a new town and and you don't know a single soul!  But it happens all the time.  While Richmond has the reputation of not being terrbily welcoming, I found that wasn't the case at all! You just have to put forth a little work and you'll be surrounded by Richmonders for y...
Everyone knows that I love living and selling within the City of Richmond. So this listing has been a blast! Welcome to 1205 East Main Street- Penthouse East. Yep, that's right- Penthouse.  What is that saying- "Go big or go home?" At first glance, you'll have to ask yourself, "Am I in Manhattan"...
    As I have started to blog, I've been told to "write what you know"  (shout out to Shannon Milligan for the advice and direction). Well, I know KIDS and I know the FAN DISTRICT! So it seems only natural that I'd  write about this topic early on.   When we moved to the Fan we didn't have kids a...

Shane Lott

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