Staging New Hampshire

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Home Stager - Sharon Tara Transformations
Welcome to my blog! Now that I am retired, I don't blog as much as I used to, generally offering Home Staging advice and decorating tips when I do write. On Wednesdays I enjoy sharing a fun picture or meme using my grandchildren as my inspiration.
Wordless Wednesday - No Other People On Earth" My God! How little do my countrymen knowwhat precious blessings they are in possession ofand which no other people on earth enjoy! "Thomas Jefferson    Previous Wordless Wednesday Posts        
Chicken Mayonnaise A La ZackA family favorite that is very easy to put together and always a hit at every gathering. When my grandson Zack was little his mom (my daughter, Jaime) would grind cooked chicken in a food processor because Zack did not like "chunks". She added mayonnaise to it so it wo...
Today I read a post written by Kathy Streib  celebrating photography and learned that today is World Photography Day.I have enjoyed the hobby of photography for as long as I can remember.I took a photography course in college (back in the olden days of the 70's) but I've never been professionally...
Wordless Wednesday - Papa's RingIf you look closely at each picture, you will see Papa's ring.When my husband was a baby his mother had this gold ring custom made. I was lucky enough to be given the ring when my first child was born.Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of my three children we...
My first home purchase was a very long time ago...1979.It shouldn't be too surprising to you that I really have very little memory of the experience.My fondest memory of the purchase was sharing a pizza, sitting on the floor, the first night after we closed.I was only 21, my husband 24. We were e...
Most people have such busy lives that it's sometimes difficult to find time for family.  My extended family used to get together for birthdays, holidays and cookouts, but it just isn't  happening any more.Many years ago I put together a family trip to a local corn maze. It was a wonderful way to ...
Wordless Wednesday - Divided We Fall Previous Wordless Wednesday Posts
ACTIVERAINIt is so much more than just a blogging platform. It is so much more than a real estate platform.Personally, this forum was never just a place for me to share information on Home Staging and/or my home staging business. Activerain started out for me as a place to learn more about the re...
Many years ago, in an attempt to eat healthier, my mother created a recipe to replace her favorite fried haddock. Her delicious haddock recipe was passed on to me and then to my daughters.It is one of our family favorites, very easy to make, and much healthier for those looking to cut fried foods...
Do you ever find yourself avoiding tasks? Whether it is fear, anxiety, and/or dread keeping us from getting the job done, we are all guilty of procrastination. I learned a long time ago that ACTION is far more beneficial and rewarding than AVOIDANCE.My first ActiveRain post was on this subject. M...

Sharon Tara

Retired New Hampshire Home Stager
smartphone(603) 661-8524
Contact The Author

Author Bio: Sharon Tara is a retired professional Home Stager who served the greater Seacoast New Hampshire area. Sharon specialized in owner-occupied home staging consults to help sellers prepare and present their home for sale.