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There is an interesting website that many of you may not be familiar with: Federal Reserve of New York, that I will share briefly. 'Nonprime' Mortgages, lovingly referred to more often these days as 'Subprime' Mortgages have long been the scapegoat as the catalyst for what is going on in the Real...
To write that we live in interesting times is probably one of the more vague and dull observations I've ever laid out in my thirty-two years on this earth.  If you are looking around and have an IQ below 140, you may be downright confused and a tad bit pissed that there seems to be no full-fleged...
In a world where good credit seems to be more and more vital, every tip and piece of knowledge you can muster can be huge to your financial health.  I read the other day that only 8% of the entire wealth of the world is ever printed as physical cash.  The rest seems to exist on a computer hard dr...
A warm bed.  A nostalgic blanket.  Knowing for one moment in time that ordinary comforts can't be taken away from you.  Maybe it's just modern day, however we don't have the horrors of various other civilizations to compare our own situations too.  At least not tangibly.  Comfort means different ...
Reflection: To understand where we come from is, in part, to understand the the very way we started.  Do you recall your first Real Estate Transaction? I was working for the Federal Grill here in Allentown, a somewhat recently extinct semi-fine dining restaurant.  While life there seemed to be th...
There's this individual that perhaps some of you may be familiar with.  He's a bit of an intellectual.  He's a bit of a comedian.  He's a bit of a verbal genius.  Despite the vicious rumors of his demise, this man is alive and well and living in a sweatbox in a remote part of Scrappy Corner, NJ. ...
I'm of the firm belief that if you borrow money, you should pay it back.  Sure, life circumstances occur and you may not be able to do so anytime soon... yet fair is fair.  If I am given money from you, I should eventually pay it back to you.  That is the right thing to do.  Yet, the loopholes ar...
It was about 5:48 PM when I got out of this evening's closing.  I arrived at 4:00 PM.  It's my second of the month and boy do I have some bar water cooler stories for anyone interested.  Before I go further, I should mention that each respective client at each respective closing did their due dil...
I gotta give it to Active Rain, its pulse on Google has seemed to transform into various other media forms.  I've read many a post here on how fellow Mortgage Professionals have been contacted by newspapers, television, magazines, etc... because someone came across their blog here on Active Rain....
Nostalgia can be timely. Being your own worst enemy is never easy.  Tilting your head to your shoulder in obscurity rarely beckons greatness or allows ourselves and others to understand the world in which we live. At an early age, I wanted to be able to write something that explained everything. ...

Jason Sardi

Your Agent for Life
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