There's nothing quite like making fun of someone you love, you've known so very long, and whom you'd occasionally like to find on the wrong end of a prison yard bet. I tried getting Shane Risher to join Active Rain long ago. While it wasn't an overly persistent effort, I wanted him to join this...
This should start things off quite nicely:) Being a counter-culture type of guy, I was more than happy to attend my first ever Roller Derby Event... live and in color. Shoot, the last time I saw Roller Derby was on World Wide Sports back in the day. A friend of a friend invited me and I had a v...
Sometimes the best laid plans go unplanned. Before Jennifer moved in with me, she visited a few months earlier. On our way to pick up some mundane cleaning supplies, we accidently came across The Allentown Farmer's Market. Now, despite living here since the tender age of twenty-four, I'd never...
If you answered with a resounding "YES" to that question, you aren't alone. I can't think of many sane individuals who don't want the best deal possible, and when the word "free" is mentioned... people tend to flock in interest like the George Foreman family to a Bobby Flay BBQ. While it seems ...
In case some of you haven't been informed, 100% is alive and well in the financing side of the Mortgage World. Let not the rumors of their demise mislead you. VA (for those who have served our country) and USDA (Rural Development 502 Guaranteed Housing Loan Program) are becoming more and more im...
Whether you are buying a home or refinancing the one you already own, there are steps you can take to avoid unnecessary problems as the transaction gets to closing. While it is important your chosen loan officer (read->Me;) helps to educate you on these, doing your due diligence before hand is r...