Home, Auto, & Life Insurance in North Carolina

Services for Real Estate Pros - Auto & Home & Life Insurance throughout North Carolina



A young gentlemen was pre-approved.  While a small loan, it is significant for him since it is the very first house he has ever bought.  The closing date is on the back end of November's Ides... The supporting documentation was collected and the appraisal was ordered, yet over the weekend, he spo...
Easy answer, 60 days.  But I guess that depends on what kind of Pre-Approval you received or want for that matter.  Actually, the answer to such a question depends upon three factors: -  You, as the consumer.  -  The Buyer's Agent who is helping you find a home. -  And the quality of the Pre-Appr...
Tired of extending Sales Contracts? Disgruntled because of bait and switch interest rate and fees? Trepid because of the surprises that pop up like a flaring zit in your teenage years? Fed up with never getting a phone call or email back in a timely manner? We hear you here at Sardi Mortgage, Inc...
I'm going to give you a link.  However, you have to promise to come back and visit after you've clicked on it and read it. Scout's honor?  Okay, I'll trust you for now. Here it is. If you comprehend the written word the way I do, you're screwed.  I'm kidding.  It's pretty evident that there is a ...
A faded bush did appear, thick in foliage to any seer.  It won't quite disappear, that foliage that I no longer fear.       ~Gunther Moses~ If you think buying a home can be scary, try renting a house.  We hear stories daily on the obstacles present when buying and then closing on a home.  The fa...

Jason Sardi

Your Agent for Life
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