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There are many rules of engagement when blogging, none of which I follow or followed but I have learned a thing or two about not hitting the submit button and revisiting in the morning.  Here is what I've learned: Don't post when you are angry or distraught about an issue, any issue.  Whether it ...
If I am not mistaken, it was my sophomore year of college when I was posed with a question.  It was of a general nature in the only writing class I ever took in college.  I was asked who I was voting for in the Presidential Race. I voted Perot, twice.  Now, had my vote become a reality ... well, ...
Considering July 17th is coming up here real soon, I wanted to write about something Real-Estate oriented on this fine evening.   Because on the 17th of this July, I turn 35 and plan on roasting the living hell out of my imperfections.  I want that blog to be so disheartening to my soul that I'll...
I've been a working tadpole in the pond of fishes since sixteen years of age.  Delivering papers that nobody seemed to read was how I began.  I hated that gig. Then I worked for a Supermarket that wasn't particularly super as the zit-faced teen you feel sorry for who bags a hell of a lot of shit ...
Yeah, I'll use this song again.  At a young age, much younger than I am now, piss and vinegar were the liquids of nature.  There seemed to be an inherent will to find out that my existence, our existence, were of the special kind.  From generation to generation, we rarely part from that. I was ha...
There is a constant argument going on these days: Right versus Left. It's not a new argument or debate, but now it is wide open for us all to see.   Facebook, Twitter, that obscure tattoo on your nephew's left buttcheek .. First, let me say that there is no doubt in my head that everyone of us wa...
Now I'm not here to pile on Mr. Anthony Weiner, however when has a Weiner ever lied?  Come on gals, can I get an "Amen!"  If this came as a major surprise, you might NOT know A Weiner. A Weiner has a mind of its own, often controlling the other head involved. A Weiner doesn't think, only reacts. ...
  We didn't exactly flip a coin, but the meandering way we arrived at choosing Charlotte for our next hometown destination wasn't particularly scientific. Yes, we have family within a few hours drive. The weather offers all four seasons, though a kinder, milder version of each. Unemployment is lo...
I kind of liked the hard life.  Or at least the version I've gotten myself into at sporadic times in the last thirty-four years.  I can't say family or friends feel the same about my flights and plights, but I have liked an interesting ride now and again. But I'm not into that anymore.  I realize...

Jason Sardi

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