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My parents didn't raise me an Economist.  Seems odd now considering they have a mature handle on their money. When awaking this morning, I was on the can making sweet ripples with our local sewage system and thought about a post I wrote sometime ago.  Specifically, it is this one.  I actually lik...
Before I got out, I enjoyed the gig.  But I don't want to wallow too much, that's behind me and unlike the prospect of the head chef at the State Prison named Pierre, what's behind me no longer concerns me.  Pierre had his motives and I wore my chasity belt backwards ... and normally, that would ...
June, graduation month.  It's been awhile since I've been to a party that celebrated one's graduation, which is why I haven't done a keg stand since Bill Clinton was in office.  To celebrate, I want to take some time to nominate a few folks right here for their appropriate places on the mantle th...
To the top... ... and I promise not to "like" this post. ~  In an effort to create an outlet for any brain activity, I chose a craft I would never pursue for monetary reward.  It's one thing to be able to articulate a train a thought and quite another to tell the story in 180 pages or less. ~ -Gu...
So I've got this Uncle and for years he worked at our local college in Clarion.  I suppose if you were to chalk up hard work over ones lifetime, he'd be cemented in the annals as one those guys.  I always knew he was one of those guys, yet he was and is a bit more special to me than work ethic al...
What more can I possibly add?  在一個僻靜的地方,有一座大莊園,名叫夢幻莊園。那裡蘊藏著莊園主人所有的夢......    在莊園的正中央坐落著三座二百多平米的三層小樓,房子的外形是一座城堡的形狀,牆上還爬著許多常青藤和珊瑚藤。中間那棟樓的第二層是儲藏室和書房,放著一些畫筆、書籍、CD和女主人去各地旅遊拍下的照片,還有一些樂器和照相機之類的器具(女主人喜歡音樂、酷愛畫畫和攝影,她的職業是自由作家兼旅行者。)。而第一層樓是她的浴室、臥室和客廳。其它兩棟樓則都是客房。她臥室的門是朝東開的。正南方有一扇窗子,所以陽光非常充足。窗子上掛著有淡紫色玉蘭花圖案的窗紗。北...
Being one of the first contributors on this particular forum has been the proverbial blessing and curse.  The latter is because I no longer do Mortgage Financing for a living.  I'm no longer actively involved in Real Estate.  The former is because of a few factors: I found my muse and her name is...
If I were to die today, I'd be one happy man. Tears tend to lend their saliva to the corners of my eye.  Upon coming home this evening, a beautiful gal was waiting for me ... greeting me before I entered the corner. I love you to death, babe.  And beyond.  Seeing your being as I pulled up to the ...
Horoscope says, "Your internal voice will be the only thing stopping you from rushing out the door to jump on a shiny, new opportunity.  Listen to it carefully - - it's probably right.  You're most likely dealing with Fool's Gold." And then there's the full moon shining down upon me ... but I won...
My leg hurts like hell, or the dickens ... depending upon your preference of dictation.  It's the right leg.  The middle one is working fine and the left one still has me dunking golf balls at any standard NBA Basket. The Doctors tell me that I didn't pull anything and nothing was ripped apart.  ...

Jason Sardi

Your Agent for Life
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