I am very happy to report our latest stats for April came out and the Real Estate board of the Fraser Valley here in British Columbia is saying that the Market is rebounding! I know my phone is ringing and have have never booked so many showings for buyers before! It's good to feel busy again. If...
Everyone wants to know in this area, "Are we at the Bottom yet?". I feel we're fairly close. What I see happening in our area is there will be a lot of listings expire, which means less inventory. Interest rates are coming down again and for Buyers this is fantastic! For Sellers I think it will b...
I am sitting watching the news here in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia (North Delta/Surrey Area) and the election is almost over! Wow, it really is going to be a historic event for my American friends! As a Canadian, I feel with the new President, (looks to be Obama) will bring new hope t...
I have been fortunate in the last month and a half to have sold three of my listings! They are all in the price range of under the $500,000 mark and have been appealing to the clients getting into the market and also moving up in a home. Also, I have been finding with all the News out there my wi...
I am excited about acquiring two new web domains that I have added to my site. and are two neighbourhood communities that I have been farming. I have linked these sites to pages within my website that are geared solely for being about the particular ar...
What's happening in our Fraser Valley Market, British Columbia this week? The stats are out this morning from our board and there are currently 1983 listing on the market in our Board and we've had 694 sales this month so far. Compared to last year there were just over 1550 listings and 1063 sale...
There were new changes set forth this week for Mortgage's in Canada. No longer can you have a 40 year Amortization. Now the maximum is a 35 year mortgage with a minimum of 5% down of the purchase price. The first time buyer's in the past who took advantage of the Zero Down Mortgage's were lucky! ...