Robin's blog: real estate and more

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Robin Rogers, Silverbridge Realty, San Antonio, Texas - 398351
Real estate in the San Antonio metro area, the foothills of the Texas Hill Country, and on the Guadalupe River. My market area includes the northern half of San Antonio (Alamo Heights, Fort Sam Houston, Shavano Park, Hollywood Park, and Stone Oak) and northeast (Randolph AFB, Universal City, Windcrest, Schertz, and Cibolo) to New Braunfels, Seguin, and Canyon Lake, including Bexar, Guadalupe, and Comal Counties. My blog also covers photography; houses and homes; investments and rental properties; pets and wildlife; birds, butterflies, and flowers in my organic garden; travel; fun stuff; and whatever else takes my fancy.



  Here's a photo of my namesake. This was taken in Santa Fe last month, on the only "chilly" day of our trip. This was our first morning there, and I spotted this robin as we walked downtown to see the sights and meet up with some friends who were also staying in Santa Fe. Robins might be a comm...
These are not your typical sand dunes. The ocean is not nearby, but a lake is. When you walk on the sand, it's cool and slightly damp. The reflection off the pure white crystals, though, gave me a sunburn! It's difficult for many plants to grow in the sand, and thus there aren't many animals out...
It seems odd that there are more women than men selling homes, and yet studies show women earn less in residential real estate sales. I have been wondering why, and came up with some possible reasons. Women tend to be the nurturers, the relationship builders. It's hard not to build a relationshi...
  My husband's brother lives in Sydney and took this photo on his way to work this morning. He said he got up too late to see the full effect of the sunrise, but I thought this photo of the shoreline was amazing. Sydney is undergoing a severe dust storm from winds blowing from the interior of the...
That post I wrote earlier today, about the rain hopefully ending the drought in south Texas? Possibly going to be part of a series? Well, a few minutes ago, I sashayed through my sunroom to look out in the yard and watch the downpour and I heard a strange "plink." I whirled around and saw a puddl...
Trite, but true! The weather in Texas doesn't do anything by halves. It suddenly started raining again early this morning, and has been raining pretty heavily for the last couple of hours. The forecast calls for more showers for the next few days. Hurrah! I never thought I'd be so happy to see ra...
My husband's friend Andrea came to visit us from Italy recently. We went down to the River Walk one afternoon, as everyone should do, and after walking around for a while, we got thirsty and stopped for a drink at one of the many restaurants. Andrea was amazed at the Texas-sized serving of beer h...
I think this is a ridiculously clever idea. Zoey the Cool Cat agrees, and she wanted Kitty and Miles to know about it. Tell your pet about it too! If you've ever had to fly your pets on a commercial airline, you'll appreciate this. The first flight for Pet Airways, the nation's first pets-only ai...
    Miles the cat ignores the hummingbirds, wasps, and bees that congregate around the covered patio, but he is always on the lookout for lizards. They hang out on the deck outside the sunroom, and there was probably one near the clematis when I took this photo of it. Or maybe there wasn't. Miles...
Are you still too thin, even after trying hard not to diet? You might be ignoring some of the triggers that make you want to eat fattening foods. Here are some tips for you to gain weight fast. They are based on the latest research: - Don't eat any protein! Especially avoid fish and eggs, which h...

Robin Rogers

CRS, TRC, MRP - Real Estate Investment Adviser
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