Simon Conway's Orlando Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - Orlando Area Real Estate Services
  The thing about those who keep telling us in real "Flash Gordon" style, that we only have a month and a half to save the planet, is that they are - at best - economical with the truth. You see if you REALLY believe that we are destroying the planet (just so we are clear, I do not!), then gettin...
This is really disturbing. Please understand that I am not suggesting you base your decision on whether or not to have a flu shot, but certainly it is something I'm sure no one gave any thought to. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________...
"At approximately 0622 on Sunday, 23 Oct. 1983, the Battalion Landing Team headquarters building in the Marine Amphibious Unit compound at Beirut International Airport was destroyed by a terrorist bomb. The catastrophic attack took the lives of 241 Marines, sailors and soldiers and wounded more ...
  As I write this at 8am on Tuesday 20 October, 2009, some THREE MILLION pink slips have been sent to members of Congress individually addressed, personalized with senders name and address and delivered to all members of Congress by Fed Ex. Three million after just THREE WEEKS since the campaign ...
More great stuff from one of my favorite bloggers...Yeah you! I am talking to you! What are you going to do about this mess? Got any ideas? Damn dude, for something like a year, all I heard from you was how the current guy was not doing the job right, and how your competitor would not be able to ...
You will most certainly not have heard yet, that at the end of October - on Halloween to be exact - Federal funding of Acorn returns. You see the vote in Congress to defund the organisation actually only achieved that for one month. Congress is trying to put one over on you. YOU MUST CALL YOUR SE...
OK I admit it - I stole the headline. But where I stole it from might come as a bit of a shock. I stole it from the BBC. When even the BBC starts to question the validity of the greatest con ever perpetrated on mankind then you know there is a problem. Last time I was guest hosting for Bud Hedin...
Yes indeeeeedie!! Roll up and play the newest game in town!! And the best part about it (if you believe the Administration) is that WE ALL WIN!! The object of the game is simple - it is to destroy American capitalism by having the Government take over everything! Wanna play? No??? >>>>>>>>>>  >>>...
Is it too much to expect the Commander in Chief to behave like one? Another ten brave men died this weekend in a war in Afghanistan that we are most certainly not winning right now. The reason we are not winning is political - not military. We have once again forgotten who we are. Take a look at ...
Florida Governor Charlie Crist has refused to face the voters. Specifically the Republican voters who get to choose between him and former Speaker Marco Rubio at the Senate Primary next year. Let me explain. Last time I was filling in for Bud Hedinger on 540 WFLA, Speaker Rubio was a guest on the...

Simon Conway

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