We have been hearing from agents around the country that activity has picked up and they are seeing a shorter time on the market and stronger sale prices in their real estate markets than they have had in the past! So how does Rochester real estate fit into this? Here's the scoop from the Pres
Spring ahead, Fall back! Referring to our clocks and Daylight Savings Time. How many times have you heard that phrase? Doesn't it help you keep it straight? There was a lot of comments on Twitter and Facebook, about people setting the clocks back on Saturday night and others, like myself, tha
As you know, if you live in the "North," March came in as a Lion and it remains to be seen, if it will leave as a Lamb. Last year was different, it was mild most of the winter. However, year after year, it appears that March is the swing month for our weather. Weather does affect our real estat