Steven's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Home Real Estate
This is a blog for a day and age when buyers and sellers need relevant information on all sorts of topics Real Estate related.
Today my suspicions that there are still some really strange Realtors left out there, roaming the streets seeking to over price houses to get a listing. A broker friend and I were brain storming last night and he asked my advice on a house that he was pursuing for one of his buyers. My broker fri...
I was trying to take in some Real Estate news as is my morning ritual and I run into this article about a man who came back from vacation to find a house that he just bough was demolished because the city inspector neglected to take the most appropriate action and stop the demolition. Andre Hall ...
I have hopes and plans to make 2011 the best year yet. I have committed to focusing on the positive and the things that are working for me. I have founded that a negative perspective is very easy to have. I have taken several steps to avoid this negative perspective: Not going to worry about thin...
Some of us subscribe to Trulia questions and sometimes we post answers, which is fine. There are a number of questions that if we answer them can get us into a lot of trouble. I have been asked questions like, can you tell me what neighborhoods don't have any minorities. After I get over my shock...
Let's face it, the Social Networking craze is overwhelming at best and can be all consuming at times with little return. I found a "Free" website that will allow you to connect all of your Social Networking websites into one location in a very nice presentation that will not give you sensory over...
Here is a step by step visual video on how to add your Facebook Page Badge to your Active Rain account. Any questions or comments would be greatly appreciated. There will be more instructional videos to follow. If you have any Technical requests that you think others in our community would benefi...
I was recently featured on Realty Times by a professional broadcaster and it has done wonders for my business. Watch the embedded video and tell me what you think. Video promotion for your business is the wave of the future and is easier than you think. Steven Wright introduction Follow me on Fac...
I wanted to start the New Year off right by helping you create a Facebook badge for your Facebook profile or Fan Page. Let me know if you need additional help. Please take the time to click on my Fan Page and seclect Like. Send me your link and I will do the same. Steven Wright RealtorPromote You...
My broker learned some disturbing news yesterday about HUD's 100 dollar down loan program when she submited her buyer's package, What she learned it was no longer availbable to anyone in the US. My broker was initially in disbelief untill she called HUD herself and found out verbally and in a e-m...
  I wanted to share with the community an amazing opportunity that I was blessed with. I made the front cover of the Residential Specialist, an honor that I never imagined I could ever achieve as a Realtor. It was an article about a 100 percent financing, 30 year fixed, no money down, no closing ...

Steven Wright

CRS - Home Real Estate - 720-989-5283
local_phone(720) 989-5283
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This blog has relevant information for the Realtor on the go. I write about relevent things happening around the USA and in Colorado. If all else fails, I inject a bit of humor into my blog posts.

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Steven Wright Realtor

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