Thank You ActiveRain For Awarding Vegas Bob Bonus Points ;o) Here is a email I received from the ActiveRain network awarding me extra points. The breakdown is below and I would like to personally thank the ActiveRain network for the points and being part of one of the greatest Real Estate network...
 Robert Swetz ISO Sellers and Buyers for Las Vegas and Henderson NV Robert Vegas Bob Swetz and his associates are searching for home owners in Las Vegas and Henderson Nevada that are intersted in selling their homes. And also buyers that are intersted in purchasing investment homes, vacation home...
My wife and I had the privilege of staying north of Monterey for the weekend and once again hanging out viewing and taking photographs overlooking one of my favorite beaches on the west coast.La Selva Beach is a hidden gem for locals and very few tourists and the name La Selva means The Jungle in...
How many people believe everything on Social Media by Robert Swetz When it comes to the history books, news, news papers, magazines, television, movies and now social media within the world wide web, how much of this is really true?History books are being changed ever day, the news is being caugh...
Here is a great reflection on Skilak Lake in Kenai Alaska.It was a beautiful sunny day when my wife and I stopped by the lake and this lake is huge and there are areas of the lake where you can not see the other side of the lake.The reason there are no boats in this lake is because it was a weekd...
 Serious World Wide Eminent domain Now please hear me out whether your a believer or not, only 5 minutes of your time reading this.Let's say that hundreds of thousands of years ago there were other living beings on planet earth, they advanced and went to other planets in the galaxy. And let's say...
 This months October challenge by Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®,CRS,   was to update our picture on Active Rain. Helpful Hannah gave old Vegas Bob a heads up on this new challenge by Paul Henderson. BEFORE  AFTER Now please note that in my new photo I have some hair dye in my beard ;o)  
Dare to Dream Over the Rainbow by Robert Swetz All of us dream from when were born till the day we die, so what do we do with these dreams? Do we store them in our brains and hope they may come true some day? Or do we just forget about them because they are only a dream and not real at that momen...
There is no place like Alaska ...My first visit Alaska was in 2001 followed by 2015, 2016, 2017 and now 2018. After my first visit in 2001 I talked about my experience for months, I was taken away by it's beauty.When I was given another chance to visit in 2015 I couldn't pass up the opportunity.I...

Robert Vegas Bob Swetz

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