Charles Edwards has written a sweet reminder that our "home" is tied to our history. Many conversations with my sisters start with, "Do you remember when we lived in the house on....?". I can remember so much more when I consider which house we lived in at the time; like the details belong to the...
Understanding the process gives the borrower an advantage. Understanding the different types of financing available can save the borrower money. Thanks to Larry for clearly outlining what the lender is looking for.I wish it were that easy. There are 4 basic things that a borrower needs to show a...
Thanks to Jeff Belonger for an easy to understand explanation of the upcoming changes with FHA Mortgages. FHA first proposed the monthly mortgage insurance changes in the beginning of 2010. Bill H.R. 5981 was first passed by the House in the spring and was just passed by the Senate the other day...
Fannie Mae is my favorite seller these days. These homes are sold "as is" just like short sales or other bank owned homes and a home inspection is recommened. Fannie Mae will contribute to the buyers closing costs and usually close in 50 days.In a recent article released by, Fannie and...
These Fannie Mae homes are sold "as is" and a home inspection is, as always, highly recommended. Fannie Mae is my favorite seller and I'm closing my 3rd transaction with happy buyers next week. Another advantage for residential buyers: Homepath qualified homes have a "first look" period that excl...
Planning ahead for the new school year and having reliable resources helps with success. Thanks to Vanessa for sharing this tip.Just because it's on the internet, does not make it gospel. Not every site contains reliable and truthful information. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this, therefore...
Another scam alert. Steve avoided their trap but in a busy world, I'm not sure I would have. Thanks for the warning, Steve! I was on my cell phone today with a client. I got this little musical tune that I get when a text message comes in. In my case, that is about once a month -- I hate text me...
Celebrate Independence Day on Saturday, July 3, 2010. Make a day of it! Picnick on the shores of Lake Whatcom at the Sudden Valley Marina and stay for the annual fireworks show, complete with music. Bob's Burger and Brew will be there serving hot dogs, hamburgers, c...
Being prepared and knowledgeable gives buyers an advantage. As Chris points out, "A few steps ahead of time can save you thousands in interest over the life of the loan and may even be a deal killer if you are not prepared." Thanks to Chris for sharing these guidelines.When most people decide the...
Thanks to Judy for sharing the new underwriting guildines.Fannie Mae came out with new underwriting guidelines for borrowers who have a history of pre-foreclosure, deed-in-lieu foreclosure, and short sales. The guidelines make it easier for some to get financing on a new home ... but more difficu...