How To Sell Your Home For More Money In Less Time   This is the first question that I get asked by nearly all of the sellers I work with. And, it is why I created a special website to get the answers every seller needs!The site was designed as a consumer service to help both Buyers and Sellers ma...
  Rents are on the rise with no end in sight!  If you're like most renters, you feel trapped within the walls of a house or apartment that doesn't feel like yours. How could it when you're not even permitted to bang in a nail or two without a hassle. You feel like you're stuck in the renter's rut...
1. Saying too much during an offerThe first and second rules of effective negotiating are to a) know what you are legally required to divulge, and b) don't say anything more than this in front of someone who is not completely representing your interests. It's very important that a seller think th...
    Sixty-five percent of U.S. households, or about 79.7 million families, own a pet, according to the 2015-2016 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This is up from 56 percent of U.S. households in 1988, the first year the survey was conducted. Th...
  How to Avoid 9 Common Buyer Traps BEFORE Buying a Home Avoid Paying Too Much When Buying a Home Get FREE Instant Access at Buying a home is a major investment no matter which way you look at it. But for many homebuyers, it's an even more expensive process ...
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving to a Larger HomeGet FREE instant access at new report has just been released which identifies the 6 most common and costly mistakes that homebuyers make when moving up to a larger home. Unlike the experience of buying a first h...
  Get FREE Instant Access by going to for  Because your home may well be your largest asset, selling it is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.  And once you have made that decision, you'll want to sell your home for the highe...
Many homebuyers wonder if they have missed the boat by not purchasing a home in the summer.Well there are many good reasons to really get focused now that fall is here.  Some of the perks that you can enjoy are sometimes overlooked.  Buying a home before the year is finished allows you to take ad...
My first blog on active rain seemed to have gotten the most comments of  my other blogs. I can understand why,  his name is Luigi and he is a most distinguished fellow. Many have asked how Luigi is doing.  I am happy to announce that Luigi has found  his dream home. However after all the fan mail...
Should You Be Timing the MarketNo one wants to purchase a home only to see its value decline. But should you wait to buy a home until prices bottom out? A quick web search will yield a number of articles and opinions for and against timing the real estate market, but beware of those in favor of m...

Adele Langdon

Exclusive Realty Inc.
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