Sierra Foothills of Northern California Real Estate Agent; Nevaday, Placer, and El Dorado County

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Real Estate Agent - 5305573559 - CA 01700374



I have read many blog posts recently regarding the subject of pre-approvals. It seems that many folks in our industry have a different idea of what a pre-approval is.  The problem is there are no uniform rules when it comes to pre-approvals. Not all pre-approvals are equal... it really comes down...
The Escrow Institute of California announced that Governor Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 957 into law. This bill, authored by Assembly Member Cathleen Galgiani, protects consumers by ensuring that they have the right to choose their own real estate service providers when purchasing foreclos...
This makes my life easy....  See Lori Mode's recap of our Elk Grove Real Estate Investment Club meeting last night!I attended my first Elk Grove Investment Club meeting tonight and it was great!  Hosted by Todd & Erin Newington of First Priority Financial with guest speakers, Bill and Chris Stanl...
Please join us at the Elk Grove Real Estate Investors Group next TUESDAY NIGHT - October 20th! We have a special guest this month for our Elk Grove Real Estate Investors meeting who will discuss the Sacramento Rental Market! Wonder what is going on with the Sacramento Rental Market? Find out what...
Upcoming guideline changes will impact your ability to buy a Sacramento home If you are buying a Sacramento home you will want to read this... There are 2 ways to get a file approved with Fannie Mae. You can have your file manually underwritten or you can run the loan through their automated appr...
Last week I was at a seminar that consisted mostly of real estate agents. The subject of loan officers came up and the crowd actually booed. Being 1 of the 3 loan officers in the room... I just looked around in amazement. Talk about a tough crowd! Have you noticed real estate agents get a notable...
Did you know that as of the first of the year Sacramento County is putting into effect a new rental housing inspection program? This week we had a Sr. Code Enforcement Officer from the County of Sacramento speak at our Sacramento Investment Club meeting.    Not only did we talk about making offer...

Erin Newington

Sierra Foothills Realtor
smartphone(530) 557-3559
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