Lehel Szucs's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - All Seasons Real Estate, Inc. - 01336187
I found this website that lists things that we veterans can get on this day.  Enjoy!   http://themilitarywallet.com/veterans-day-free-meals-and-discounts/#axzz1dK2lG1Ox
I ran across an article this weekend that said that Toledo, Ohio is tearing down blighted homes at a record pace. They expect to tear down more than 400 this year and have 700 on their list.  Last year they tore down 351.  Wow, did not realize that things were this bad. In California I did not he...
I enjoy waking up on Sunday mornings and hearing my little one tippy toe into our room and snuggle up with momma and poppa.  The little giggles that come out of her are like God sending his angels to us.  It is the best way to wake up on Sunday mornings. It is not often that I do not have busines...
There is an interesting article at CNNMoney called "Home prices heading for triple-dip". The article quotes a study from FISERV that is predicting some interesting price drops with an overall average of 3.6% drop by next June. They are predicting that many areas that have already been hit hard wi...
Credit score: Lenders are generally looking for buyers to have credit scores of at least 620 nowadays. Although the Federal Housing Administration will extend loans to borrowers with credit scores as low as 580, most banks are imposing higher scores.  Check your credit score and make sure all ina...
There was an article in the LA Times today http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/la-fi-foreclosure-errors-20111102,0,487669.story that talks about homeowners that were foreclosed on can now request to have their process reviewed if they believe that it was improper.  This is part of the agre...
Do not call registry  - www.donotcall.gov    or call 888-382-1222 No more mail solicitations - www.optoutprescreen.com     or call 888-567-8688 Other offers (catalogs, donations, etc...) - www.dmachoice.org Get off of email lists  -  www.ims-dm.com/cgi/optoutemps.php    
The Washington Post recently has an article outlining ten things to know about buying or selling a house in today's real estate market.  These are fail and practical recommendations.  However, i wonder how much more could REALTORS add to this list?   1. A bigger down payment might be necessary. 2...
I just read an article that was talking about the Minnesota market.  Basically it stated that the current market is not a buyer's market nor a seller's market. I find the same to be true for much of the Southern California market.  In the beginning of these troubled times there we some great fixe...
HARP Refinance Program Expanded   Borrowers who are current on their home loans may be able to refinance for lower interest rates, even if they are seriously upside down.  The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced today that it will broaden the scope of the Home Affordable Refinance Pro...

Lehel Szucs

REALTOR of choice
local_phone(626) 339-0697
smartphone(626) 922-2514
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