Just Horsin' Around - Thoughts on Central Texas Real Estate and More

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Real Estate Agent - Bradfield Properties - 532238
A blog about things Texas, about things horsie, about real estate issues, about life in the country, about food, about whatever strikes my fancy pertaining to life, the universe, and everything and, especially, real estate.
Sometimes, when we're new to an area, we don't know what possibilities there are for entertainment in our new location.  Sometimes, when we've lived somewhere for a long time, we lose sight of all of the neat things there are to do around us and miss what's right in front of our eyes. Here's a li...
This is an admirable synopsis of a misconception we all here on a regular basis, and a great description of just PART of what we all do on a regular basis. Why Do Real Estate Agents Make 6% When They Only Put Up A For Sale Sign? This last week I was again reminded of just how some people think.  ...
As we get into spring and out of mud season, horse shows start popping up like wildflowers.  One of these is the Heart of Texas Morgan Horse Club (HOTMHC) Open Fun Show, of which I have been Show Secretary for the past few years.  This year, it is April 9-10 at the Diamond F Arena in Seguin, Texa...
  Real estate agents are supposed to know where to find everything.  But I find myself at a loss. Last summer, Pepsi did a short-term release of Pepsi Throwback, made with sugar instead of HFCS.  My husband, who likes Pepsi, loved it.  I HATE Pepsi, and I like Pepsi Throwback (it doesn't taste l...
Lots has happened since this blog was first posted.  What you need to know, though, in order to make sure that you get Ruby's chicken fried steak, is that Ruby's Cafe in Jarrell is now Ruby K's in Georgetown, just off the square.  Same great food, with an expanded menu (encouraging my waistline t...
Okay, you've moved to Texas, and you want to do something that's traditional in your new state.  Let's go to a rodeo, that's it!  Well, we're right smack dab in the middle of Rodeo season here in Texas.              The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo just ended, but there's always next year - pl...
This past weekend, Phil and I took off for a short overnight visit to our son P.J. in San Antonio, just a couple of hours away.  The plan was to spend the night at his place, go to Taco Taco on Saturday morning for barbacoa for breakfast, then go to the farmer's market and the San Antonio Museum ...
With one of the most serious droughts in decades here in Central Texas, pushing two years, grass not only crunching but powdering when you walk on it, giant cracks in the Houston black soil  here on the place, grass growing in the bottom of the year-round creek that's been dry that long, a lot of...
  Yesterday, two Sprouts stores opened in the Austin area - one in Sunset Valley and one (the one we visited) in Round Rock.   Being the foodies we are, my husband and I made a date to go check it out the very first day they were open.    We arrived separately (I was coming from showing properti...

Tricia Jumonville

Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense
local_phone(512) 420-0300
smartphone(512) 423-6466
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A blog about things Texas, about things horsie, about real estate issues, about life in the country, about food, about whatever strikes my fancy pertaining to life, the universe, and everything and, especially, real estate.