Whew! That was a close one! Good thing that bail out failed - it almost wiped out the entire housing industry! Only in the United States Congress can a plan to destroy the housing industry and credit markets be called a "rescue" plan. It's almost as farcical as calling "card check" bill that eff...
Any agents out there frustrated because their clients got caught up in the "Lending Tree, When Banks Compete You Win?" Well, as many of you know, that is a crock. Great marketing slogan though! "When Banks Compete, You LOSE!" Too many times these internet lenders screw my clients. They get sucker...
I wonder how a Seattle Realtor must feel when his buyer breathlessly tells him this: "And I'm pre-approved with a great mortgage broker I found online! IN California". Does the Realtor fake-smile while secretly knowing he will soon be SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE? Does he attempt to refer the client to a...
* * * * HARD CORE REAL ESTATE TALK * * * *FAX THE OFFER TO 222-555-8888. YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DECISIONS IN 2-8 WEEKS.Over the past year, we've read many posts by real estate agents and brokers detailing their frustration trying to SELL fo...
Hello Friends, I always love waking up to chaos in the market first thing Monday mornings. I drive my wife nuts when I turn on the TV at 445 and there is headline news like there was this morning with our major investment company shakeups. Please watch the video for more detail as it is a long ex...
One of the best lessons I've learnt in Real Estate came from a client. I was advising her to wait for a better offer, one that I knew I could get her. She said no, time is money and for every day the property stays on the market, money is lost. ...Say no more; I got it! Obviously the banks...
This is a big tax change for people who had a nice plan for retiring to their previously rented vacation home and using the primary residence exclusion to avoid paying any capital gains tax. Read it carefully and research it in more detail by yourself or your tax accountant. I hate how they keep ...
I have discovered how aggrieved homeowners can turn the tables on home warranty companies and beat them at their own game. Please share this with everyone you know. I'm an attorney and after having a problem with my home warranty company, American Home Shield, I decided to investigate whether oth...
Several days ago, I wrote Everyone and Their Cousin is a REALTOR -- Is That Really True? It Might Be in Some States! detailing the reality about the number of REALTORS per capita around the country. In Virginia, we have one REALTOR per 213 people. One of the most frequent questions asked on that...
We broke the news about the eventual reinstatement of Nehemiah Down Payment Assistance Program, back in August and way ahead of Inman News, on Bloodhound Blog. How did we know where this was headed? We talked to lenders rather than the charitable organizations. We talked to lenders because we k...