Education & Training - Wisconsin Realtor Safety and Concealed Carry Classes
Can you imagine an Oceanfront property in Daytona for less than $35,000? Jon is absolutely the best hands down in Daytona oceanfront properties. He has been selling them for years and knows all of the various properties and best deals available. He will have my business soon. Thanks JonOceanside ...
Leave it to Kristine (New Jersey's Top Home Stager) to do this beautiful Collage of Caribbean pics while we are all still waiting for Spring. We are still having lows in the 30's the rest of the week here in WisconsinCaribbean Photo Collage Thanks to Kathy Nielsen, Atlanta Georgia Home Stager's P...
Congratulations to Wisconsin's Best Home Stager..She is however rated the # 1 home Stager in Wisconsin on Activerain  Check out her Website and Call her CONGRATULATIONS LAURA   100,106 points!  Thanks to my attitude adjustment,.. I finally made it!  Time to pop the champaigne friends.  Thank you ...
Lauren really represents herself well in her flyers. Her ideas of using her business card on them and incorporating all the latest technology including QR codes is state of the art. APRIL 23, 2011 ACTIVE RAIN KODAK SIGN/FLYER CHALLENGE I enjoy getting my flyer's ready for the Home Seller and have...
This is a great post by Dennis. I have a hard time living in 2000 square about you guys? Could you live like this. Wow 90 square feet for 3 years..Is a boat bigger to live on?I saw this on the news tonight so I decided to look it up on You Tube....she has been living here for 3 years an...
This is good info for all statres by Jeff Belonger. I don't know how many times you can tell your clients this but I have had them go out and buy new furniture for the new house and made it tougher at closing time   There comes some responsibility and understanding of the mortgage process when bu...
Chris really has it down for us on how to promote a business on facebook. Thanks Chris I have learned a lot from you and will refer anyone I get your way in Indiana for a mortgageYou're going to love me for this one, folks! I can't believe how few have found this little-known, but ridiculously po...
Hi Have to agree with Jon here. Sometimes it does feel ackward explaining everything to buyers when it is so obvious.. anyone have anything that you do differently. Something off the wall here in active rainMy wonderful clients bought a gorgeous oceanfront condo in Bella Vista in Daytona Beach Sh...
This is a great lesson to all of us from Pat Haddad. It just happened again to me a few days ago-even though we know what to do we do not always follow it. Please read more of Pat Haddad's blog. She is full of Wit and WisdomWarning!  Don’t ever invite the parents to go along! That is one of the v...
This is a great post by Pat Haddad about the perils and pitfalls we run into when listing a home. Sometimes I think sellers are too emotionally attached to their homes and some of this is on purposeIt wasn’t easy, but you convinced your seller to use your stager.  The house looks great without th...

Tim Peterson

Realtor Safety Training Classes
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