WOW! WOW! WOW! While I would normally try to relay activities that are happening at the local library, I received a 5 PAGE NEWSLETTER outlining book sales, classes, tournaments, storytimes and other amazing events for the month of August! ROCK ON! Because of this, though, I'm only going to pos
I just received the Leipers Fork Library Newsletter and there is a lot of fun things planned in the upcoming months! Here is the Library Schedule: Pre-School & Toddler Storytime!! Tuesdays & Wedesdays @ 10:30 - I've been taking my son to these since moving to Leipers Fork 4 years ago. Not on
If you own a home (or are thinking of purchasing a home) within the Franklin City Limits that is hooked up to a septic tank, the following information is very important! ~ ~ ~ Requirements for Connection to the City's Sanitary Sewer System During their July 28 meeting, the Franklin BOMA granted
Imagine moving in from out of state. You've driven 2 days to get here. You haven't met your neighbors yet. You haven't had much time to do anything but unload the U-Haul. As you're moving in that very last piece of furniture, you hear "POP." "OH NO!" The thoughts go rushing through your hea
As a Realtor in Franklin, TN - more specifically, a Realtor in Leipers Fork, TN - I often field calls from clients who have moved into the area asking me "where can I find a ...?" Having moved to Leipers Fork 4 years ago, I understand their dilemma. Leipers Fork is a VERY small town. Unless yo
Hi everyone, It's been awhile since I last posted and things have taken an interesting turn. I did well this past year, despite a downturn in the market (doubled my productivity from last year, despite not selling anything for the last 5 months of the year - too bad the market didn't keep up).
With the opening of a new coffee shop (located 1/2 way between my home and my work), I remembered something I had promised myself I'd do - a "new years resolution" of sorts, as it was about that time that everything happened. It was traumatic - my favorite pizza place shut down. It was a wonder
It has come to my attention that Williamson County is considering a proposal that would raise the minimum acreage (to subdivide) in Western Williamson County from 5 to 15 acres. I've heard a few different arguments about the issue and have yet to make up my mind as to whether it would be good or
I'm sorry if this has been covered before, but I'm a bit perterbed at the moment. You know, I'm all for knowledge and people spreading their knowledge. And I appreciate the info that I get. HOWEVER, when researching something regarding zoning I came across a neat little blog about zoning (not
It took me awhile to realize this, but people HATE to de-clutter. Besides implying that their house is cluttered and messy, there's no goal except to remove stuff from a room...THEN what do you with it? Trying to think of what sellers are looking forward to, I realized it's PACKING. When you'r