Before I was a Realtor, I was a SAHW (stay at home wife), SAHM (stay at home Mom), Housewife, Domestic Godess or whatever your choice of "designation." I had a clean house and a home-made fabulous dinner on the table every night. I had time to bake. Not those cookies where you just cut off a c
Our local Association of REALTORS® released the following numbers for the month of December 2006. If you've purchased a home in the last few years, you'll love this! The median price for homes increased by 23% (condos by 31%). Although it would appear from the numbers that our sales are down,
This just came from my local Association of Realtors (Williamson County Association of Realtors - TN). I knew our market was going strong, but I didn't realize just how strong... Anyone want to move to TN? I know a great Realtor that can help you out!October 9, 2006 (Franklin, TN)—The Williams
As I sit here alone at work (I've been here since 6:15 this morning), I wonder how many Realtors actually come into the office this early when it's necessary. I wanted to print up some flyers and other documents and get over to Office Depot to have them bound before getting back to the office at
Shortly after I posted my blog about my website jump in rankings, I got a call from google offering me a "sponsored link." Unfortunately, that was the same day I had a deal blow up and I knew I wouldn't have the money for a couple of months to pay for it. As such, I politely declined. Ironical
I just have to say, I really enjoy real estate as a means to meet people. I'm not shy with my friends, but in an unfamiliar environment, I can tend to be rather shy. Since becoming a Realtor, however, that has changed. I'm no longer afraid to start talking to people, or striking up a conversat
In the last 3 days, I've done enough business to exceed my TOTAL goal for the year (assuming all goes well - I know, don't count my eggs before they hatch). That being said, I was in the office today and heard the "big guys" talking about an article they read in the paper quoting a new real esta
This year I've had the good fortune of my business picking up speed rather quickly. I don't feel that I've worked overly hard (I'm not working 80 hours a week - I'm making a concerted effort to work smarter, not longer). I'm happy about it, but I'm also having a hard time being happy about it.
I don't mean to sound negative, BUT...I don't mean to be a b*tch, BUT...I don't mean to offend you, BUT...In each of these cases, we know what the next few words are going to do, so why say them? If you need to start a sentence with "I don't mean to...BUT", then you need to figure out another w
Where is that darn file? I know it's here somewhere! Does this sound familiar to you? Are you constantly struggling to figure out how to keep everything we need to keep in order? Up until about 2 months ago, this could have been me, until my broker shared with me her "trick" to keeping organi