I wanted to relay a story of frustration one of my agents is experiencing. She's been working long and hard for some clients and finally found them the perfect house. There are specific needs for this home (3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, no stairs, etc.). 3/3's are not common in this buyer's price r
It goes without saying that getting divorced can be very emotional. Anger, sadness, depression, fear, grief, hate, uncertainty. All these emotions can often lead people to think... I HAVE TO KEEP THE HOUSE FOR THE KIDS! It's at this very important time, a divorcing couple needs to set aside th
On Saturday June 19 from 8:00 - 9:30 pm, Boyd Mill Farm will be hosting their annual Blackberry Jam Festival. Boyd Mill Farm is home to "u-pick" blackberries. You can also get raspberries, apples or pears when they are in season). Of course, there's jam too! Better yet, no harful chemicals or
As I was puttering around Facebook today, my chat box popped up. On the other end was Dean Sams (of the country music group LONESTAR - which has put out such songs as Amazed, No News & I'm Already There). While, that may sound odd to many of you, it's not odd in these parts. You see, Dean is
I've been working on a blog to try to explain the upcoming predicted interest rate Hike. Here's a much better explanation than the one I was working on! To help keep interest rates low, the Federal Reserve has been purchasing mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
I just read an article in the Tennessean this morning that made me so proud of my town. Normally, you'll hear stories of people asking for donations for a charity. Or, you'll hear of them doing work for a widow. But on Saturday, they are combining both! While working on a widow's house on Satu
FRANKLIN TN IS GETTING A PRO BASKETBALL TEAM! I'm not much of a sports fan, but I love to hear things like this! Not because it's a basketball team, but because it's a PRO basketball team. This is the beginning of the article from the Tennessean (which I link to at the end of this blog): Meet
Say what?!? You heard me! They are going to fry anything that doesn't move? Yep, from corn, to pickles, pies, Twinkies --- even fruit, topped by yogurt. The Fried Food Festival is being sponsored by Country Boy Restaurant from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 27, in the heart of Leiper's Fork
I woke up this morning, coffee in hand as I stumbled to the computer to get my morning dose of news. As I'm browsing through MSNBC, I come across an article that left me dumbfounded. (Well, not really, I've seen it before, and I'm sure we'll see it again!) It seems a woman at the Wisconsin Zoo
Tori Stamps, MA, JD | Stamps Realty, Inc. | 615.512.5485 5976 North Lick Creek, Franklin, TN Bring your horses! 6 acres, 2832 SF updated home for $299,900. 3BR/2+1BA Single Family House offered at $299,900 Year Built 2002 Sq Footage 2,832 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 1 partial Floors 2 Parking 2