I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "perception is reality". Take the value of brands, for example. People's perception of Tylenol as a safe, pain reducing medicine prior to 1982 was sky high. It was the world's top seller, for crying out loud. Then reports surfaced that a woman died from cyanide p
Below you'll find our monthly reports for the following Louisville housing markets. These charts display Louisville home sales and Louisville median home values with a trend-line. You may view this Louisville real estate area map to see the MLS "areas." 8/5/2011 - While we still have some ground
Home prices continue to drop, in some places far more than others. Kentucky fares worse than Tennessee, Indiana but better than Ohio. 6/16/11 - The Wall St. Journal doesn't focus on our local market but the points they make for the country as a whole can be applied to our situation. For some tim
Below you'll find our monthly reports for the following Louisville housing markets. These charts display Louisville home sales and Louisville median home values with a trend-line. You may view this Louisville real estate area map to see the MLS "areas." 6/11/2011 - Only Area 20 sold more homes in
There are a myriad of ways to approach a career selling real estate. Many have the perception that it's a sales job. It is not. It's a service job. Some don't understand the different or are bound by different motivations but in either case, the best Louisville Realtors serve their clients. I've
It's still too close to Derby time not to use a horse racing analogy. With the Derby and Preakness behind us, I thought I'd utilize an appropriate thematic in the title. Over on Louisville Homes Blog, I've been writing consistently on reasons why people should be investing in real estate right n
Parents looking to keep their children safe need to look no further than Louisville, KY. More great news for our city! Sperling's has rated Louisville, KY the third safest for families with young children. How do their rankings work? I wondered the same thing myself. Here's what they evaluate: 2
The question I'm posed most often in my daily travels is, "When will the Louisville real estate market rebound?" Here at Insider Louisville we like to delve a little deeper and take a look behind "the curtain" and see what we can find. Many were surprised when we brought you salary estimates for
This article is part of our popular series of Top 10 Lists devoted to giving pertinent, professional advice to Louisville's homebuyers and sellers. There are literally hundreds of ways to enhance your property's image for prospective buyers. Here at Louisville Homes Blog, we've identified the Top
We all have heard that the housing market is "down." It's taking longer for people to sell their homes and some just won't sell at all. (This is primarily true in the higher price ranges.) While this tremendous news for Louisville home buyers, sellers continue to have a difficult time. Looking de