Austin is a hit with the Seniors. Austin came in at #5 on Best Boomer Towns annual hit list. Austin was rates on criteria ranging from cost of living and health care to eduction. Best Boomerz cited a number of other top pole finishes for Austin. To read the entire article visit http://bestboomer...
Austin Makes Forbes best bargain cities list. Austin didn't just make the list, it was #1. Forbes cited the "triple Threat" of Austin being a university town, the state capital and a technology center. This all contributed to the low unemployment rate which was approximately 1/2 the national aver...
Austin makes Kipplinger's top ten cities list. Austin came in at a comfortable #8. Kipplinger's cited not only the availability of jobs but the availability of talented people to fill them. Historically a more educated work force has survived a downturn in the economy better than their less educa...
Austin makes FDI magazine's top ten list for North American cities of the future 2009/2010. Austin came in at a respectable number 5. The study was done over a 6 month period and looked at data for over 400 North American cities. The data was put into 6 categories. Economic Potential Human Resour...
Austinmakes Forbes top 10 list for careers and business. Austin comes in at number 8. Austin is projected to have strong job growth and continues to offer a highly educated work force. With a diversified economy Austin is projected to be a front runner in exiting the recession. To see the entire ...
Austin and Raleigh are the fastest growing metro areas for the 2007-2008 time period according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The Austin Round Rock area grew by 3.8% to a population of 1.7 million. Texas is home to 19 of the top 100 fastest growing counties. The most of any state in the nation. To re...
Austin makes Movie Maker magazines top 25 cities list for movie makers. Austin came in at a very respectable number 10. Movie Maker based their list on cost of living, median home price, unemployment, job growth, average salary and crime rate. They also took into account a number of industry spec...
Austin makes Builder Onlines top 15 healthiest housing markets list for 2009. Austin didn't come in at number 1 but number 2 isn't bad. The top cities had a common thread. They were all near either an ocean,mountains or a major university. They also didn't have a huge run up in the boom years. Bu...
Austin makes Forbes top 30 wired cities list. Okay we came in at number 30 but we made the list. This is Austin's first year on the list and we're sure to continue to move up. The scoring is based on braodband connections, broadband access and wi fi hot spots. Just another reason to live in Aust...
Austin makes top 15 coolest North American cities list for MSN travel. MSN travel cites Austin's eclectic music scene and Tex Mex food among other reasons for this designation. To see if your city made the list vist