TAGGED! by Angelia Garcia If you haven't checked out Angelia's blog, you should
H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G S ! This year has been far from Ordinary for me. Among the Many, many instances that seem to want to "break" my spirits, there were just as many that caused Great Joy. My New Year's Resolution is to drink more from the Glass of Great Jo
Ever received an Offer or Counteroffer that Ticked you off? Well..... CUT THAT OUT! A Skilled Negotiator never takes it personal. One of the Greatest Services provided to a Client is the Art of Negotiations. Being Combative is Rarely Effective. It also runs the risk of having the Seller or Bu
It's NO Secret that Clients are harder to get to the Closing Table these Days. So much So that There's Been Much Talk regarding Realtors getting Regular Gigs. It's a very difficult decision to make if you've been in the business for a while. You get used to the Somewhat Flexible schedule and t
Richardson was ranked as the 18th best place to live in the United States by Money magazine. This ranked Richardson the 4th best place to live in Texas behind Round Rock, McKinney and Carrollton. Despite declining economies in other parts of the United States, Richardson has had Substantial In
The Best Way to Chase Away a Buyer is To Keep Their Focus A W A Y From Your Home. I contacted a FSBO with a client dying to purchase in the Neighborhood. The Tour was Horrible. The home reeked of musty Drapes and age-old soiled carpet. It was too Dark; Had no Comfortable Walking Space. It was
Today I Received a long awaited call from the last Family Member refusing to leave the Houston area during Hurricane Ike's devastating presence. Surprisingly, like the rest of my Terribly Unwise Friends and Family choosing to stay, they were perfectly fine. Only mild Discomfort from the Electric
Recently I've been searching for a Mortgage Broker and haven't found the Open-Arms reception I thought I should have. Each time I call, it's for a specific home with an interested Homebuyer. After providing all the details regarding the home and the FICO scores of my Buyer, I then request a GFE
Today should be a Day of Gatherings and Rest. Hopefully you get the opportunity to do as little as possible today. If not, don't worry about it, you're not alone. Most people are going to run themselves ragged with Entertaining, Cooking, Cleaning, Yard Work, Errands, and Honey Dos.Agents Resting
GO! No Wait. Writer's block. From an All Day long Chatty Cathy to.... Umm, Well, Errr. Eagerly awaiting the "fuel" to shoot off like a rocket, but finding it to be a slow, more time consuming ordeal. How can this be? At the end of a Typical Day, 5 blogs minimum, should flow effortlessly; And