Just when it seemed there were already plenty of good reasons to choose an FHA mortgage when you buy your home, here comes another reason. The FHA Streamline Refinance program has actually been around for years, but since about 2001 is hasn't been utilized very often. This program is an easy way ...
A week ago, the Treasury announced that they had a target mortgage rate in mind of 4.5%. Mortgage rates are already very low, as evidenced by a sudden increase in refinance activity. Orange County cities such as Irvine, Tustin, Orange and Newport Beach are seeing a big rise in refinances, helped...
So how much of a difference will a significant interest rate drop make for Orange County, CA home buyers? For some people it will be a mean lower payment. For others, the increased buying power will afford them a better home, extra bedroom, bigger yard, or whatever it is that will meet a home buy...
What is the difference between getting a PreQualification versus PreApproval? Why do I need either? I hear these questions quite a bit. There are very good reasons why a potential home buyer would want to get PreApproved, and there are important differences between a PreQualification and a PreApp...