Pamela Knight's (urbank01) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc.
Have you ever wondered, "What Your Voice Says About You?" Quite frequently, we discuss the art of marketing our businesses, how to direct traffic to our websites, selecting logos, etc.  However, impressions of you are formed constantly by your spoken words.  "Man does not live by words alone, des...
I was wondering if anyone has received an request from NNA to perform a TEA job.  I started to feel a sense of uncertainly about these jobs, since completing the training in all, no activity, etc.  However, I wanted to inform you all that if you went through the certification, you do have access ...
I must say ActiveRain is like no other...I have participated in many other blog channels and have not received a sense of belonging, a connection or a desire to read or write blogs as I do on Active Rain.  It is my cup of tea or coffee in the morning, like reading the morning paper, it helps me g...
Well, the last couple of days have been some trying days!  A pretty rough week to provide services....I found myself asking is this a sign to waive the white flag.  Last night, my laser printer just blew up, literally.  You all know in the realty biz, it is a must to have a good reliable printer....
Learning to be gracious, while under fire has always been a hard tactic for me, But learning and using this skill has proved to be one of my greatest assests in the business world.  That famous slogan, "The customer is always right," is  a very arguable statement, but in theory it rains true. It ...
When was the last time that you had a conversation with your neighbor or better yet, introduce yourself to a new neighbor?  How many of your neighbors know about the services that you render?  Many of us do  not like to mix business where we sleep and that is very understandable.  No one likes un...
This is a good test to take, it is a little long, but good..and the Election madness go on... ABC has a test at the below address to see who's campaign statements, McCain's or Obama's, you agree with most. They don't tell you who made the statements, of course, but a statement made by each candid...
With all that is going on in this economy, many people losing their jobs, losing their homes, higher gas and food, etc., many ask how do I talk to my kids.  I like many of you feel bad about having to say no to my kids when they reach for that special snack or that toy.  The fact of the matter, t...
Important information to share....Cancer is a horrible disease, I recently lost my stepfather in-law to it and my sister in-law is a breast cancer survivor.  I know first hand about the heartache this can cause.  Passing along this reminder is a great thing, so please share this information to a...
In the last couple of weeks, we have experienced some major problems in the banking world.  In these times, it is difficulty to know what to do or where to go for answers.  However, you can count on Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc. to be there for you.  When an insured bank or thrift closes, the Fe...

Pamela Knight

local_phone(610) 935-5944
smartphone(484) 682-6249
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