Vancouver Home Staging|Home Staging Vancouver, B.C.

My Virtual Active Rain World Collides with the RESA Staging Conference! Have you ever wondered what would happen if your virtual Active Rain world collided with the real world, or in this case, the Real Estate Staging Association Conference?  I know this has happened to many of you, whether it be...
How Important is Entry Presentation When Selling My Home? Home buyers will often make up their mind whether they like your home for sale or not, within the first few seconds of entering your home.  Therefore, a fetching entry or foyer presentation is crucial to engaging buyers and enticing them t...
Is it Worth the Bother of Staging a Studio for Sale? Why, yes, it is!  Some may think that a 425 square foot studio apartment is too small or insignificant to stage.  Wow, are they wrong!  One of the most confusing spaces for buyers to figure out is a studio apartment/condo.  Where does the kitch...
Video Home Staging Tour - Before & After Here is a video tour of a home in North Vancouver that we recently staged.  Although this home was built in the 1980's, it had been updated inside, complete with arts & crafts style molding, updated paint colours, and granite kitchen countertops and stainl...
West Vancouver Staged Home - Before & After PhotosHere is a lovely home we recently staged in West Vancouver.  The home is over 4,000 square feet, and has a beautiful view, overlooking the Georgia Straight.  We used the homeowner's existing furnishings, and brought in accessories and artwork.  BE...
RESA Conference 2011 Vegas Just wanted to send a quick update on the RESA Conference here in Vegas!  Have to say, we're having a blast.  Although the speakers have been great and the food extraordinary, the highlight for me has to be meeting my Active Rain friends for the first time in person.  T...
Oh Me Oh My – Here is My MeMe Post Here is my two-timing MeMe post.  I took a double hit from David Ames and Valerie Zinger.  I’m up for the challenge, so after a little head scratching, here’s a little about me… BTW...I get the Audacious part...but HAIRY????? Here's Eleanor's MeMe Rules (please ...
Does a Home Stager Keep up with Current Trends and Information? As a Home Stager, I like to keep up with current trends.  I also like to keep informed and on the cutting edge of the Home Staging industry.  By keeping myself educated, and networking at design events, I use this knowledge to create...
WHAT IS A HOME STAGING ACCESSORY PACKAGE?   A home stager offers many services, including staging a vacant property, or a furnished property.  If the home is vacant or empty, a home stager can organize rental furniture while your home is on the market.  Along with furniture, a home stager also re...
WHAT IS THE HOME STAGING PROCESS? Home staging is a bit of a mystery.  Most people are well acquainted with the “before & after” shots on a home stager’s portfolio, but what is a home stager’s process?  Let’s use an empty or vacant property as an example. We check out the lay of the land… I visit...

Sally Weatherley

Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C
local_phone(604) 838-9431
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Author Bio: Sally Weatherley is the owner of Exit Stage Right, home staging and redesign. She is a Canadian Certified Staging Professional, and a member of Professional Real Estate Staging. Sally also holds a Management Certificate from the Interior Design programme at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), and holds a certificate in textile design from City & Guilds of London textile programme. Art and design have been constant throughout Sally's life.

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