Vanessa Calhoun - PalmerHouse Properties & Associates, LLC

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Real Estate Agent - PalmerHouse Properties & Associates, LLC - 316636
Real estate can be an overwhelming topic for most of us! It's my goal to ensure that I'm adequately and expertly relaying my 12+ years of industry knowledge to assist my clients in navigating through their path to home ownership! So.....sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!



As of April 5, 2010....HAFA began!!! Already, I have two short sale clients enrolled in the HAFA program and we're actually having much success!! It's interesting to note that 90% of mortgage servicers are participating in this program that provides a viable solution for troubled homeowners (owne...
I came across a post the other day that discussed the basis and breakdown of the mortgage meltdown. Although it was an excellent post, one of the commenters caught my attention by mentioning his/her disdain for REO and Short Sale listing agents   WHADDAYA MEAN???? As a short sale listing agent in...
As a way to maintain (and increase) my income over the course of the past few years, I began concentrating mostly on first time homebuyers. Since a majority of recent home purchases have been first timers and/or investors, I figured that this would be a smart business move. Guess what??? It WAS a...
  Well, it's Springtime again and the season is filled with new beginnings!!!! New flowers are springing to life and so is a new program benefitting those homeowners who are facing a hardship and have FHA mortgages.   The FHA Pre-Foreclosure Sales Program provides help for homeowners who have ex...
Well it’s Springtime again and the season is filled with new beginnings! New flowers are springing to life and so is a new program benefitting those homeowners who are facing a hardship and have FHA mortgages. The FHA Pre-Foreclosure Sales Program provides help for homeowners who have experienced...

Vanessa Calhoun

Your Greater Atlanta Marketing Guru!!
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