If you have had your credit lines cut you are probably or possibly totally in shock. Keep in mind one thing, you paid for the right to use your money. So you can fight for that right. If you fall into the above situation. Contact your bank. Ask for an approved appraiser that the bank will accept ...
Don't get me wrong. Things are not perfect. However, what makes our country so great, is that when things are not perfect, citizens voice there concerns and the powers that be listen. The results are not always to the satisfaction of everyone. However, complaints are heard and efforts are made. N...
Fortune Magazine on recently published a story about the Top 6 Real Estate Bargains as a result of the housing downturn. Phoenix and the cities that make up Maricopa County was recognized by Forbes as a Best Real market that with prices in many of the planned communities around Phoen...
one must also take into consideration that if the experts are correct and interest rates do continue to rise trough summer and into the end of 2009, then, ... No matter how you cut it, even if home price remain level or even decline slightly, the actual cost of the home is rising. (Please see Hom...
5 Home Buying Rules to live by to help you decided whether now is the right time for you. Do you want to own a home. - there is no reason to buy just because everyone else says you should. Home ownership can be expensive, can tie up your money and can be filled with upkeep headaches. Do you love ...
The Land ‘Gold-rush' in Phoenix of the last 10 years saw the unfortunate proliferation of many unscrupulous brokers , appraisers, mortgage brokers, buyers and sellers who participated in cash-back schemes which hurt the honest majority and contributed to the large amount of foreclosures in metro ...
Is Zero Percent interest rate policy (ZIRP) on the way for real estate and mortgages ?? Rates are practically there!! Today, in an unprecendented move General Motors Corp. says it is offering financing as low as zero percent over the next week for several 2008 and 2009 models in a big year-end sa...
  Today's Phoenix and Scottsdale area new home buyers offer more reasons to buy direct from a New home builder than ever before. A wide variety of communities, location, location, location, modern floor plans, an practically unlimited choices of features, colors, fixtures and finishing's, lot sel...
a case of the Glass Half-Full v. Half Empty. Here's why .... 1) It's a Buyer's market - 2) Lenders easing credit - 3) Lower interest rates -  many many years, thus lower monthly payments for the same house 3-4 years ago. 4) Reduction in inventory - 5) Consumer confidence - Yes, if you are a selle...
Building Industry is the main opponent of the bill claim who argue this draft of the AZ Homeowners Bill of Rights is overreaching are not happy that the Bill Prohibits two parties from agreeing to resolve their disputes without going to court Forbids defendants from recovering attorney's fees eve...

Daniel Wexler

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