William Johnson's (williamjohnson) Blog

Industry Observer - Retired
I LIST and SELL Homes in San Diego and I want to Earn your Business. As a Proven and Trusted Market Leader in San Diego Real Estate, I provide a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for Buyers and Sellers covering the many areas of San Diego County. With over 25 years experience, I will provide you the "careful and guided expertise" you need and expect.



The Quiet Revolution Taking Place in Elementary and Secondary Education   There is a revolution happening in education these days and it is quietly taking place with the introduction and expansion of high tech tools. As many of us in real estate have discovered the iPad and other available tablet...
Studio Dinner, A Time Warp Back to the 40's   This photo was taken with my iPhone When I say a time warp, I truly mean it. The Studio dinner in set on a real live working movie and TV lot here in San Diego. I know, most think that  movies are only made in Hollywood but this diner is set on the lo...
The Digital Image Has Succeeded In Bringing The Consumer To The Internet To Find Real Estate A Couple years ago, Nobel Prizes were awarded for Science. One of the recipients received it for digitizing light. This new amazing discovery has changed our lives in so many ways. It brought about the di...
The Voice of San Diego Real Estate | Staging a Townhome on a Small Budget Staging a property and adding some good light sources can make all the difference in how the property looks to the Buyer. When I looked at this townhome for the first time, I could see the potential but the client was reall...
Waterfalls - Water in Motion This waterfall is near the entrance to our San Diego Safari Park. Creating a soft waterfalls effect is not as difficult as it might seem. A slow enough shutter speed will usually do it. I recommend that this only be done with the use of a tripod to keep the other obje...
Composition: Within Every Photograph is Another One Within most every photograph is the one that will stand out as unique or more beautiful because of the focus on one small part of it. This photo originated from one that was a not so unusual selction of the flowers on an Azalea bush.  By segment...
A Good Lens Makes for a Good Photo Continuing my efforts with the 400mm lens, experimenting to see what settings work best, this plane few over while I was at Balboa Park shooting some of the architectural building details and I was ready, except that I had to tip the tripod and the lens because ...
San Diego Events: International Dance FestivalSaturday Feburary 11th,  Performances at 2:00PM and 8:00PM Sunday February 12th,  Performance at 2:00Pm Shown above is an India Dance troop in their colorful attire from a recent India Exposition at Balboa Park.  International Dance Festival provides ...
The Wonders of Nature, Close Up and Personal Nature is such a wonderful inspiration for life. In the macro world of photography, one gets to see things up close and personal in ways not as easily  appreciated without the camera. As kids in science class, we learned where to look for many of life'...
The Art of Writing I was reading an article in American Profile magazine about the Power of the Pen. And it gave me pause to consider that while we use all forms of electronic writing, are we losing a very valuable skill set in the art of writing. It is Valentines Day soon and we rush out to the ...

William Johnson

local_phone(858) 487-6975
smartphone(858) 487-6975
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The information contained in any post written by William Johnson is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and the opinions expressed in these writings are my own. I disclaim any liability for any damages or loses direct or indirect that may result from the use of, or reliance upon any information contained in this blog or for the accuracy of comments or opinions expressed by others. You are advised not to rely any information contained herein without your own verification of the information.