How many signatures would you estimate are required during the typical real estate transaction? Although we don’t think anybody has studied this, it’s safe to say the number is huge. From the listing or purchase contract, to the close of escrow, paper flies back and forth for an average of 90 days or longer. Each step in the process, even the slightest change in the contract, requires the signed acknowledgement of all parties.
In the old days this meant that agents hopped in their cars and drove to their clients to get the signatures, then drove to the other agent’s office to deliver the paperwork.
Then, fax machines came along, but until they became household staples, agents still did a lot of driving.
Aren’t you glad those days are gone? Now, you don’t even need to be in the same country as your client during a transaction (more vacation time!) because all it takes is signing up with an electronic signature service and it’s all done electronically, either from your desktop, iPhone, iPad or other device. We real estate old-timers are still amazed at this service and it’s been around for over a decade now.
Did you know that some electronic signature software programs create records to keep track of not only when a document was signed, but what it looked like at the time of signing and from what computer the document was sent? These are some pretty compelling features when deciding which company to do business with.
While DocuSign is considered the “the official and exclusive electronic signature provider to NAR members under the REALTOR Benefits® Program,” do you use their services or are you more sold on EchoSign or e-signature?
What features are important to you when considering an electronic signature company? Most important, for those colleagues trying to decide on who to go with, why did you choose the company you did?
This is the place to add your review of your chosen electronic signature company, whether good, bad or indifferent. It’s also the best place to be to learn about electronic signing companies.