Claude Lawrenson (Inspection Support Services Inc.) Home Inspector



Claude Lawrenson
location_on Windsor, ON — Inspection Support Services Inc.
Get to Know Claude Lawrenson

Claude successfully operated a home inspection business in the Windsor - Essex County area since 1986 (Ontario Home Inspections Inc.). He is a founding member of OAHI and the Southwestern Ontario OAHI meeting group. He holds membership including earned certification status in many inspection associations such as ASHI, CAHPI-National, OAHI/CAHPI-Ontario, NACHI, NHICC, PHPIC and OACETT. His work primarily includes professional expert witness in construction defects and building code certification for home inspections of newly constructed homes. Claude currently specialized in IAQ (Indoor air Quality).   

His CV includes a significant background in home and building inspections. Claude also teaches in the college education system as a professor of architecture and design at St. Clair College in School of Engineering Windsor Ontario. He also teaches online courses in home inspection program (Intro to Home Inspections, Structures for Home Inspectors, Building Science for Home Inspectors, HVAC for Home Inspectors) as well as in class course including Defect Recognition and Report Writing. He recently has added a home inspection course that include 50 hours of training for Onsite Inspections and Mentoring as well as deliver the Intro and On Site courses for home inspectors in various areas of the province.  

Additional teaching expertise includes facilitation of Ontario Building Code courses.   

Claude also is President and a Director of Inspection Support Services Inc., a company offering inspection products and services including inspection report systems, 3D Inspection Report software as well as educational opportunities for home inspectors and related professionals. Some of his project work over the past few years includes curriculum development and education courses and project implementation for CMHC-NRCAN and First Nation National Building Officers in Canada.

Claude is also a volunteer and co-project leader that has donated to Habitat for Humanity in local builds, as well as new home build trips to Houma and Covington Louisianna with his students and faculty members from St. Clair College in Windsor. In addition, he serves as Registrar for the First Nations National Building Officers Association.

Claude also chaired the former National Certification Authority - the governance body of the National Certification Program for home inspectors in Canada. The National Certification Program is now administered under the independent certification body known as the National Home Inspector Certification Council - NHICC.  




Claude is the Past CAHPI Ethics Chair and Chief Examiner and Examiner Trainer for "Test Inspection with Peer Review" for the National Certification Program currently introduced in Canada. This program is targeted at national certification of interested home inspectors across Canada to a minimum standard that meets the national occupational standards. Claude has served on national and provincial committees representing the education sector for home inspectors.

Claude believes volunteering and becoming involved with other home inspection associations makes for a well rounded home inspector. As such, Claude serves on the OAHI Technical Review Committee, and OAHI Discipline and Professional Practices Committee, as well as the Education Committee for NACHI.  

Claude is a partner in Inspection Support Services Inc. The other partners include Ron Nokes and Harry Janssen, both very experienced and well known home inspectors.

The people behind Inspection Support Services Inc. comprise an extensive network of professionals, companies and educational specialists and mentors from across North America. This team can be utilized to assist and complete various size projects. We have an excellent relationship with many colleges, training institutes and curriculum consultants from across Canada. We have worked with them in completion of educational programs from development stage to delivery stage. Inspection Support Services Inc. provides a wealth of time-tested inspection product and training services and the "know how" that you can draw upon to help meet your own specific needs. Some of their notable course and development work includes working with:

Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (Defect Recognition and Report Writing Course), Inspection Support Services Inc, (Home Inspection Certificate Courses), both in-class and online courses  Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - Rehabilitation of Existing Dwellings CMHC - Indoor Air Quality Natural Resources Canada, and First Nations Building Officers FNNBOA Onsite Training and Mentoring 3D Inspection Reports Report Writing Intro National Building Code Humber Online Home Inspection - Accredited Training Courses Intro to Home Inspections Structures for Home Inspectors HVAC for Home Inspectors Building Science for Home Inspectors Canadian Building Law - credit for various chapters 

In addition, Inspection Support Services Inc. offers a variety of mini-courses for real-estate, construction, building code and other technical inspection related topics.

More recently Claude trained as a DACUM Facilitator at Ohio State University. Since that time he has facilitated and co-facilitated several industry DACUMS.




ACI, RHI Retired, NHI, Educator, College Professor Program Coordinator Architecture, President NHICC National Certification Program, Past chair CAHPI Ethics , inspection mentor, Habitat volunteer