douris jane (djane enterprises) Real Estate Agent



douris jane
location_on Clear Spring, MD — djane enterprises
Get to Know douris jane

Use this section to write about yourself - don't be shy - Why should a buyer or seller want to work with you? Do you have any certifications and qualificatons? What sets you apart from other agents/loan officers?

buyer or seller shall be rewarded a certifications. i sets apart from other agents.....its to assist people and render efforts when needed

Use this section to write about your specific area's of expertise. Do you specialize in first time buyers - listing high end homes - etc. Are there specific market area's that you specialize in? The more you write about your area's of expertise the more knowledgeable you'll sound to a potential buyer or seller. am specialize in first time buyer, i have onces deal with one of the bigest enterprises in my local area... and even outside the local area e.g like Golden penny co.

my company deals with special electronics appliances, and for like a mounth now i decided to change the processig to another level .....making it as worldwide