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Real Estate Agent |
RAINER 234,337 |
IRMA Beltran | ||
Your Real Estate Agent 4 Life Always there 4 You! | ||
Turlock, CA
— Century 21 M & M and Associates-Turlock homes Real Estate
Century 21 Real Estate |
Cal BRE 01343247 | insert_link https://homesforsale.century21.com/agent/irma.belt | |
web Turlock Great Real Estate Deals! LOOKING TO BUY A HOME IN TURLOCK? SAVE THOUSANDS Search Thousands of foreclosure, Bank sales. Dream HOMES NEED STRONG OFFERS!! |
With 16 years in accounting and customer service and 8 years in real estate lending behind me I decided to become a REALTOR in 2009. In 2010 I completed the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE), the Certified HAFA Specialist (CHS) and the Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource (SFR) certifications.
Beyond my experience and training, I can assist you in Spanish and very involved in my community; Wakefield PTA President, school site council representative, and Turlock Unified parent Advisory Committee. I'm clearly committed to the principles that makes a great REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT:
Always watching out Thoroughly explaining your choices Possess lots of heart and really cares about you real estate needs Carefully listen to your real estate goals, both long and short term A steady & sure hand to deal with problems as they arise Eager to do all the leg work to ensure smooth, trouble-free transaction Provides sure footing so that your investment starts off on the right step
I have honed my skills, tools and knowledge to the highest degree to bring you maximum results. And, rest assured that I have all the elements you need for your investment plan to be a success!
Call Irma today at for a no obligation consultation to discuss your investment needs (209)542-0456.
Feel free to request a special report - “How to Select a personal Real Estate Consultant and Why Having One is Important to Your Future” at no cost or obligation.
***Graduated from California Career College with honors in 2002
Con 16 años en contabilidad y servicio al cliente y 8 años en prestamos hipotecarios detrás de mi Yo decidi convertirme en una Abogada en vienes y raices en el 2009. En el 2010 complete mi Centificasion De Propiedades en Peligro (CDPE), la Certificasion de Especialista en Hafa y Certificasion en Ventas Cortas y Recursos de Embargos.
Mas aya de mi experiencia y entrenamiento, yo le puedo asistirle en Español y estoy muy envolucrada en mi comunidad; Presidenta de Consejo de Padres y Maestros de la escuela Wakefield, representante del consejo escolar y representate del comité de Consejo del Districto Escolar de Turlock. Claramente estoy comprometida a los principios que hacen una gran Asesora en Bienes y Raices.
Siempre viendo por usted Explicarle todas sus opciones Poseo mucho corazon y real mente me interesan sus necesidades en bienes y raices Cuidadosamente escucho sus metas de largo y corto tiempo Una mano firme y segura para manejar cualquier problema que suceda. Dispuesta hacer el trabajo para que su transacsion sea suave y sin problemas Provie un paso seguro para que su invercion empieze con el pie derecho
Yo e refinado mis abilidades, eramientas y sabiduria al grado mas alto para traerle resultados maximos. Puede estar confiado que tengo todos los elementos que uted necesita para que su plan de inversion sea exitoso!
Llame a Irma ahora para una consulta sin costo o obligacion para discutir sus necesidades de inversion (209)542-0456.
Sientase libre de pedir un report espcial-“Como Seleccionar un Asesor en Bienes y Raices Y Porque es Importante Tener Uno Para Su Futuro” sin costo o obligacion.
***Graduada con honores de California Career College en 2002
e-mail: ibeltran@c21mm.com
CDPE: http://hosted.cdpe.com/iramapreventforclosure
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/irma.beltran1
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/irmabeltran
Known as the Short Sale Queen, I specialize in first time buyers - listing high end homes - Listing & negotiating Hafa short Sales- List and negotiating Distressed Properties-BPO-CMA
You've got a family doctor and family attorney. But do you have a personal Real Estate Consultant?
YOUR FAMILY'S CONCERNS are, no doubt, of utmost importance to you. After all, what's more important than the well-being of those you love? When a medical emergency arises, you consult a specialist. When you face a leagal issue, you turn to a trusted professional with the experience and skill to handle your needs. It's the same when it comes to buying your home.
HAVING the proper real estate consultant in place is one of the most important steps your family can take. Why trust those crucial decisions to chance? The time to choose the right Real Estate Consultate is before you need one. That's where Irma Beltran can help. She is one of Turlock's leading Real Estate Consultants. Helping families like yours isn't just her job, it's her commitment. Irma says "Your home is one of the most important investments you'll ever make." The last thing you need is a home that will 'just do'. You need someone that will work for you today, as well as protect you tomorrow." Don't you owe it to yourself--and you family--to at least find out how her unique brand of personal service and extraordinary results can make a difference?
CALL FOR YOUR COPY of Irma's free special report, "How to Select a Personal Real Estate Consultant and Why Having One is Important to your Future." Whether you're in the market for buying a home or are in need of selling IRMA knows what it takes to put it all together for your sucess. Call IRMA today. You'll be glad you did.
Service Guarantee: If you find someone who is more committed and will work harder to get you the Highest Price in the Quickest, most Convenient Timeline, and I do not do everything I promise, such as the check list highlight sheet, feature cards and written plan of Action, you may have the Listing back in 34 hours upon written request.
Conocida como la reina en Ventas Cortas, Yo me especializo en primeros compradores-Vender & negociar Ventas Corta por medio de programa Hafa-Vender Y negociar Propiedades en Peligro-Vender propiedades de alta categoría.-BPO-CMA
Usted tiene un Doctor familiar y abogado familiar. ¿Pero tiene usted un Asesor de vienes y raíces personal?
Tiene un Doctor familiar y abogado familiar. SUS ASUNTOS FAMILIARES son sin duda lo más importante. Después de todo, que es mas importante que el bien estar de los que ama? Cuando ay una emergencia medica, usted consulta con un especialista. Cuando ay problemas legales, usted acude con un profesional de confianza con la experiencia y habilidad para manejar sus necesidades. Es lo mismo cuando se trata de sus bienes y raíces. TENER el Asesor apropiado es el paso más importante que su familia puede tomar. Por que confiar esas decisiones cruciales al asar? El mejor tiempo para escoger un asesor es antes de necesitar uno. Es donde Irma Beltrán puede ayudar. Ella es una Asesor En Bienes Y Raices Sobresaliente de Turlock. Ayudar a familias no solo es su trabajo sino su compromiso. Irma dice "Su casa es una de las inversiones mas importantes que usted realice." Lo último que usted quiere es un agente que nada mas lo sea. Usted necesita un asesor que trabaje para usted hoy al igual que proteger su futuro." ¿No se lo debe a usted-y a su familia-por lo menos averiguar como su servicio único, personal y extraordinarios resultados pueden hacer la diferencia? LLAME PARA RECIBIR SU COPIA DEL REPORTE ESPECIAL DE IRMA, "Como Seleccionar un Asesor o Asesora Personal de Vienes y Raíces y Por Que Tener Uno es Importante para Su Futuro." Aunque este en el mercado Comprando su casa oh Vendiendo Irma sabe que es lo que se necesita para su éxito. Llame a IRMA hoy. Va estar alegre que lo hizo.
Servicio Garantizado: Si usted encuentra alguien que se comprometa mas y trabaje mas duro para obtener un Precio mas alto en el tiempo mas breve y conveniente, Y yo no ago todo lo que le prometo, como menciona la lista otorgada, tarjetas caracterizadas y plan escrito de acción, ha usted se le regresa su contrato en 34 horas al solicitarlo por escrito.
My current awards are...
My skills are...
Mrs. Beltran |
01/24/2013 |
Irma gave us more than what we expected from her. She not only sold our home in a quick manner but at above actual value. She also helped us purchase our replacement home as we needed to be close to our family members. She negotiated our purchase and received a credit from the seller to help with our costs. She doesn't look at what benefits her. She seeked to understand what was important for us to sell our home in Patterson for top dollar & what was important for us about buying a home in Turlock . Thank You Irma for looking after our best interest. |
Senor Gonzalez |
12/14/2012 |
COMPRE MI CASA POR SOLO $37,000 Senor Gonzalez--Después de la muerte de mi padre lo unico que quería es estar con de mi mama. Para mi fortuna conosi a la señora Irma Beltran ajente de la compania Century 21 . Ella me guío asi a la compra de una casa a un lado de mi mama. Nunca pensé que lo lograría. Tuve varias dificultades con el prestamo, pero como mi ajente la señora Irma Beltran lucho hasta el ultimo dia para que se realizara esa compra. Gracias a que escoji el ajente adecuado ahora puedo estar al pendiente de mi mama si necesidad de vivir con ella. Mr. Gonzalez--After my fathers’ death, all I wanted was to be with my mother. Fortunately I met Irma Beltran an agent with Century 21. She guided me towards the purchase of a home next to my mother. I never thought I would accomplish it. I had various difficulties with the loan, but as my agent Mrs. Irma Beltran fought until the last day to make that purchase possible. Thanks to choosing the right agent, I can now watch after my mother without having to live with her. |
Senora Parra |
12/13/2012 |
Mi casa se vendio por $37,000 / My home sold for $37,00 "No podia creer que depues de aver perdido mis noches de sueno por pensar que perderiamos nuestra casa al fin pude salir de esa pesadilla con la ayuda de nuestro ajente Irma Beltran. MI ajente lucho hasta el ultimo momento no solo para que se vendiera mi casa sino para que nosotros recibieramos dinero para poder cambiarnos de propiedad. No creia que fuera a recibir dinero por vender mi casa porque debia mucho mas de 3 veces mas de lo que valia y se vendio pero con el gran trabajo de mi ajente recibi $2,500. Gracias Senora Irma por un excelente trabajo. Mrs. Parra--I couldn't believe that after loosing my night of sleep from thinking that we would be loosing our home at last I was out of that nightmare, with the help of our agent Irma Beltran. My agent fought til the last moment not only to get our home sold but that we received money to be able to move on to another home. I couldn't believe that we would receive any money since I owed way more than 3 times what my home was worth and sold for but with the hard work that my agent put into it I received $2500. Thank you Mrs. Irma for an excellent job. |
Senor Rubalcaba |
07/13/2012 |
"Estava deseperado no sabia que hacer. Ya habia sido victima de estafa por un individuo que me prometio hacerme y una modificasion al pagarle $5,000. Tomo mi dinero pero nunca hizo nada. Ya el banco habia iniciado el proceso para el jucio hipotecario. Pense que me hiba a volver loco hasta que encontre a la senora Irma Beltran. Estava a punto de perder mi casa pero aunque tomo varias llamadas de madrugada para detener el juicio hipotecario con el Banco. Irma hizo todo lo que tenias que hacer y no solo detuvo el proceso sino que negocio que el banco aunque estava tomando una gran perdida con laventa de mi casa me dieran un total de $23,000. Mis amigos y familiares no lo podian creer hasta que vieron el cheque en mis manos. No me cansare de agradeser a dios por haber puesto un angel en mi camino lleno de oscuridad. "I was desperately lost I didn't know what to do. I had already been ripped off by an individual that promised to do a modification if I paid him $5,000. He took my money and did nothing. The bank had already started the foreclosure process. I thought I was going to go insane until I found Mrs. Irma Beltran. I was about to loose my home. It took a lot of early morning phone calls to get the foreclosure date canceled by the bank. Irma did everything she had to do to not only stop the foreclosure process but was able to negotiate for the bank which was already taking a big loss on the sale of my home to give me a total of $23,000. My friends and family couldn't beleive it until they saw the check in my hands. I will never get tired of thanking god for placing an Angel in my dark path. |
Perfecto Mosqueda |
05/25/2012 |
"After working with a male agent from another company for 2 years, I had the worst experience you could ever imagine. A friend referred me to Century 21 where I met Irma Beltran. She was the total opposite of what we went through with the other agent. She explained carefully and with detail what we needed to know before deciding on our new home. With in a short period of time my family was able to celebrate our first family celabration in our own home. When I met Irma I thought if a man couldn't get us what we needed there's no way this woman can. Wow but did she prove me wrong. I found out that this woman went out of her way and worked hard to fulfill our needs. I will now send all of my friends and family to her. Thank you Irma for making my wife cry, cry with joy of finally having her very own home, for an awesome job." "Despues de trabajar con un agente de otra compania por 2 anos, yo tuve la peor experiensia que uno se puede imaginar. Un amigo me recomendo con la compania Century 21 donde conosi a Irma Beltran. Ella fue totalmente lo contrario de lo que pase con ese otro agente. Ella me explico muy detallada y cuidadosamente lo que necesitabamos saber antes de decidir en nuestra casa. En tan solo poco tiempo mi familia pudo tener nuestra primera celebracion familiar en nuestra propia casa. Cuando conosi a Irma yo pense si el otro agente que era hombre no pudo consegirnor lo que necesitabamos esta que es mujer menos. ¡ah!, ¡pa! pero que si me comprovo que estaba equivocado. Descubri que esta mujer fue fuera de su caminmo y trabajo duro para satisfacer nuestras necesidades. Ahora yo enviare a todos mis amigos y familiares con ella. Gracias Irma por haber echo llorar a mi esposa, Llorar de elegria de por fin tener su propio hogar, por un formidable trabajo. |
Senor Rojas |
05/25/2012 |
Recibi $5000.00 Depués de la venta corta de mi casa Señor Rojas-- pensé que recibiría $5,000.00 despues de vender mi casa en una venta corta. Debia lo triple de lo que fue valorizada y ademas tenia mas de un año sin dar un solo pago. Mi casa lla estaba a punto de ser embargada pero tuve la fortunada de que me recomendaron a la señora Irma Beltran . Ella se puso en contacto con nuestro banco y logro no solo que se concelara la venta en la corte sino que logro un arreglo para que se me diera $5,000.00 para ayudarnos a seguir adelante. Siempre le estare agredecído con Irma Beltran por todo lo que hizo por mi familia. I Received $5,000.00 after the Short Sale of My Home Mr. Rojas I never thought to receive $5,000.00 after the short sale of my home. I owed more than 3 times as my home war appraised at and I hadn’t given a single payment for over a year. My home was already in foreclosure but I was fortunate to have someone recommend me to call Mrs. Irma Beltran . She got a hold of my lender and not only got them to cancel the court sale date but arranged for me to receive $5,000.00 to help us move on. I will always be thankful for everything that Irma Beltran did for my family. |
Marcial Solorio |
05/18/2012 |
Turlock home sold for $95,000 seller received $23,000 "I thought I had already lost it all. I was recommended to speak with Mrs. Beltran about my foreclosure situation. I thought without a job there was nothing I or anyone can do. I poke with Irma she adviced me to short sale my home and get a fresh start. I will alway be thankful that she became my family realtor. She not only helped me sell my home but was able to negotiate the bank to give me $23,000. I couldn't belive it I thought she was just telling me that I was going to be getting money from the bank to get me to sell my home. Thank you Irma for an awesome job and giving me that fresh start. " Yo pense que ya lo habia perdido todo. Me recomendaron hablar con la senora Beltran acerca de mi situacion de embargo. Yo pense sin trabajo, no hay nada que yo o alguien pueda hacer. Hable con Irma y ella me aconsejo vender mi casa en venta corta y asi tendria un empieso nuevo. Siempre le agredecere que se aiga convertido en nuestro ajente familiar. No solo vendio mi casa pero negocio que el banco me diera $23,000. Yo no lo podia creer. Pense que nada mas me estaba diciendo eso para que vendiera mi casa. Gracias Irma por un trabajo formidable y darme la oportunidad de empesar de nuevo. |
Teresa Beltran |
12/24/2010 |
Teresa & Roberto We never thought we could get money from selling our home by doing a short sale. We thought no is no possible way that the bank will give us money when they are already loosing. Thank you Irma for all the hard work you put in selling our Home and getting us $5.000. It sure helped us. If we would have known this we would have sold our other home instead of letting it go into foreclosure. Teresa & Roberto Nosotros nunca pensamos que podriamos vender nuestra casa en una venta corta y rrecibir dinero del banco. Pensamos que no abia posibilidad alguna que el banco despues de que el banco esta perdiendo nos fuera a darnos dinero. Gracias Irma por todo tu gran trabajo que hiciste en vender nuestra casa y darnos $5,000. Nos ayudo mucho. De haber sabido vedemos nuestra otra casa en lugar de perderla en el jucio hipotecario. |
Mr Casillas |
10/15/2010 |
Mr. Casillas testimonial after a successful Short sale negotiation "You must have a lot of clients, since you are a courteous, hard working woman." You did more than you had to do to help us with stop our foreclosure issue. Even after the banks had already said no more extensions to cancel the auction date, you were still able to get the extension needed to be able to sell our home. Thank you Mrs. Beltran, When I'm ready to purchase I will look for your help. Testimonio del señor Casillas después de una negociación de venta corta excitante "Usted debe de tener muchos clientes ya que es una mujer muy cortes y trabajadora. Usted hizo más de lo que tenía que hacer para parar nuestro juicio hipotecario. Aun después de que los bancos ya habían dicho que no abrían más extensiones para cancelar la venta de nuestra casa, usted pudo obtener la extensión necesitada para poder vender nuestra casa. Gracias señora cuando este listo para comprar la buscare para que me ayude. |
Turlock Great Real Estate Deals LOOKING TO BUY A HOME IN TURLOCK? SAVE THOUSANDS Search Thousands of foreclosure, Bank sales. DREAM HOMES NEED STRONG OFFERS Your Real Estate Consultant For Life.