Kenneth M Rossman, FL Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #RZ3504 (Appraiser, Ken Rossman) Real Estate Appraiser



Kenneth M Rossman
FL Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #RZ3504
location_on Boynton Beach, FL — Appraiser, Ken Rossman
Cert General RZ3504
Get to Know Kenneth M Rossman

Where Your Complete Satisfaction is the Real Value

Appraising All Types of Real Estate  for Over Forty Years Extensive Residential, Land and Non-Complex Commercial/Industrial Real Estate Appraisal Experience Very Fast Turnaround - 3 to 4 day average on non-complex residential real estate appraisals Accurate, Reliable, Clearly Written Real Estate Appraisal Reports By a Highly Seasoned Florida Independent Professional Real Estate Appraiser One to two day SUPER RUSH real estate appraisal service available for bail bonds, etc. at additional cost.

We Accept Cash, Money Orders and Checks. Single Family "Fannie Mae" Type Form Appraisals From $225.00 - desktop, $285.00 - drive-by or $350.00 - with interior inspection  By Ken Rossman, a Highly Seasoned Florida Certified General (#RZ3504) Independent Professional Real Estate Appraiser (I do my own work - no trainees will be sent) - 24 to 48 Typical TurnaroundNon-Complex Commercial or Industrial Form Appraisals From $675.00 - desktop, $995.00 - driveby or $1,175.00 - with interior/exterior inspection, with typical completion within 1 week Real Estate Consultation (for planning, negotiation strategy, evaluation, pre listing or purchase advice or ???) by phone with Ken Rossman, a Florida Professional Real Estate Appraiser with over 40 years experience only $100 for up to one hour Comprehensive Single Family "Desktop" (Written Appraisals) From $225.00 By A Florida Independent Professional Real Estate Appraiser Please Call Us Now Toll Free at 800-491-6380 (local 561-200-4478) for additional information or To Order An Appraisal Or At Your Convenience


Click for information regarding commercial or industrial appraisals

Kenneth M. Rossman Florida State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #RZ3504 with over 40 years of real estate appraisal experience

Appraisal Institute, SRA Member (1991 to 2000)
Society of Real Estate Appraisers, SRA Member - (1988 to 1991)
Employee Relocation Council, C R P Member (1990 to 1994)
NAIFA IFA Member (1983 to 1995)
National Assoc. of Environmental Risk Auditors, Member (1989 to 1995)
American Assoc. of NY Certified General Appraiser #463195s, C A R Member (1985 to 1992)
Columbia Society of R.E. Appraisers, C S A Member (1981 to 1999)
NY State Society of R.E. Appraisers, Class A Member (1980 to date)
N A R, Realtor Member/G R I Graduate (NY State) (1975 to date)

President - All Area Appraisal Affiliate Network, Inc. (1999 to Date)
Former Certified General R.E. Appraiser #463195, NY, (1991 to12/2011)
Court Appointed R. E. Appraiser - Nassau & Suffolk County Supreme Court. (1995 to Date)
NY Certified General Appraiser #463195 HUD FHA (1981 to 1999)
President - Appraiser, Kenneth M. Rossman (1996 to Date)
President Rossman & Mohring Appraisal Service, Inc. (1992 to 1996)
President Rossman Appraisal Service, LTD. (1982 to 1992)
Licensed Real Estate Broker New York (1972 to Date)
Director, N A I F A, Nassau Suffolk Chapter (1983 to 1995)
Housing Committee, Long Island Association (1989 to 1991)
New York Supreme Court SCAR, Hearing Officer (1989 to 1999)
Director Homeowner's Association at the Admiralty (1990 to 1992)
Director, Network of Homes, Inc. (1975 to 1979)
Executive Vice President, Network of Homes, Inc. (1976 to 1979)
Director, Long Island Board of Realtors (1983)
President, N A I F A, Nassau Suffolk Chapter (1988 to 1989)
Vice President, N A I F A, Nassau Suffolk Chapter (1987 to 1988)
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson New York (1970 to 1972)

Mc Kissock: Mortgage Fraud - Protect Yourself - 11/09, on-line

Mc Kissock: Appraising FHA Today - 10/09, on-line

Mc Kissock: Current Issues in Appraising - 10/09, on-line

Mc Kissock: 2008-2009 National USPSP Update 9/09, on-line

Employee Relocation Council (ERC): Relocation Appraisal Training Program - 3/06, On-line
AI: 7 Hour National USPAP Equivalent Course - 7/05, On-line
Mc Kissock: The Art of Appraisal Review - 5/05, On-line
AI: Mathematically Modeling Real Estate Data - 3/04, Plainview, NY
Mc Kissock: Appraiser Liability - 1/04, On-line
Mc Kissock: Developing & Growing an Appraisal Practice - 11/03, On-line
Mc Kissock: Fair Housing - 10/03, On-line
AI: National USPAP Update Course - 7/03, Brookville NY
AI: Appraising From Blueprints and Specifications 10/01, Chicago, IL
LIBOR: USPAP Update Course - 11/00, West Babylon NY
AI: Valuation of Detrimental Conditions in real estate - 4/00, Brookville NY
AI: Instructor - Surviving in the New Millennium - 3/00, Farmington, CT
AI: Measuring Locational Obsolescence - Contamination or Fear - 3/00, Farmington CT
AI: Appraisal of Non-Conforming Uses - 12/99, Brookville, NY
AI: On - Line Internet Search Strategies for Real Estate Appraisers - 10/99, Chicago, IL
AI: Instructor - A Marketing Opportunity - New PMI Guidelines, 6/99, Orlando, FL
AI: 1999 USPAP Update, 6/99, Orlando, FL
Mc Kissock: Environmental Considerations for appraisers - 12/97, Cherry Hill, NJ
Appraisal Education Network - Home Inspection - 11/97, Bohemia, NY
Fannie Mae: Residential REO Appraisal Update 9/97, Newark, NJ.
LIBOR: Co-Instructed Appraisers & The Internet - 8/97, Fresh Meadows, NY
AI: On-line Services & the internet revolution - 2/96, Westbury, NY
Fannie Mae: Residential REO Appraisal Guidelines 10/95, NYC, NY.
AI: Hud/FHA Residential Requirements 12/94, Plainview NY.
AI: Understanding Limited Appraisals & Reporting Options July 1994, Plainview, NY.
AI: REO FNMA/RTC Guidelines (Residential/Commercial) 5/94, Westbury, NY
AI: New URAR Form January 1994, Plainview, NY.
AI: Appraisal of Complex Residential Properties, 4/93, Uniondale, NY
SREA: General Certification Commercial Property, 12/90, Westbury, NY
SREA: Course 202 Applied Income Property Valuation, 11/90, IN
SREA: Certification Residential Property, October 1990, Westbury, NY
SREA: National Convention Hazardous Materials, Commercial Building Inspection,
FNMA/FHLMC Panel, Legislative Panel, Relocation Workshop 7/90, Orlando, Fl
ERC National Convention, Relocation Appraisal June 1990, Nashville, TN
SREA: Course 201 Income Property Appraising 4/90, Hershey, PA
SREA: Nat Conv FNMA/FHLMC Panel, Small Residential Inc Prop Form, Accounting, Mock Trial, Hazardous Materials, Legislative Panel, RE Forecast Panel, Reloc Workshop, Commrcial Bldg Inspect, Income Prop by Computer Analysis 7/89, NYC, NY
AIREA: Standards of Professional Practice, 4/89 Huntington, NY.
NAIFA: Northeastern Regional Conference March 1989, NYC, NY.
NAIFA: Professional Standards, Fhibb Revised Guidelines, Using Video in the
Courtroom/Relo update - October 1988 Cleveland, OH
NAIFA: Northeastern Regional Conference March 1988, NYC, NY.
NAIFA: Federal Appraisal Legislation 2/88 Philadelphia, PA
SREA: FNMA New Guidelines Seminar May 1987 Hauppauge, NY.
SREA: Course 101 Real Estate Valuation (Pass) March 1987.
NAIFA: Marshall/Swift Residential Cost Seminar Byron, NJ 12/86
AIREA: Course 8 1, RE Appraisal Principles (Pass), 9/86.
SREA: Course 201 Income Property Appraising 2/86.
HUD/FHA: Appraisal Training Seminar, 1981 1985.
NAIFA: FNMA Small Income (2 4 Family) Course N Y C, NY, 5/84.
AIREA: Course 8 3, Residential Valuation (Passing Grade), 3/84
Merrill Lynch, Relocation Appraisal Report Writing 11/4/83.
NAIFA: Residential Real Estate Appraisal Course Norwalk, CT 3/82.

Andor Institute: Real Estate Principles and Practices 2/77.
Realtors Institute of NY: G R I Course 1, 2 & 3, 1970 1974.
CSREA: RE Valuation Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, 5/72.
Long Island Builders Institute: Builders Training Course 10/71


Southern Palm Beach County in Florida
Long Island Nassau, Suffolk, Queens and Kings Counties in New York

MLS; Geodata Plus, Palm Beach County, Property Shark and Comps, Inc. Public Record Sales and Assessment Data - Nassau, Suffolk, Queens & Brooklyn. Means Cost Manuals, National Flood Insurance Flood Maps.

1115 Prepaid Legal Service Care; Alexander Herman, Esq.; Alliance Funding; Alvin Wayne; American Residential Mortgage Corp.; Ameriquest Mortgage Co., Amido Guzzone; Anchor Savings Bank FSB; Anchor Equities, Ltd.; Apple Bank for Savings; Appraisal Management Co.; Baldwin Public Library; BancBoston Mortgage Corp.; Bankers Trust Co.; Banno & Guardino; Bank of America Mortgage; Bank of Westbury FSB; Beneficial Mortgage Corp.; Beth Ross, Esq.; BLM Mortgage; Brancato, Brancato & Brancato; Brookman & Brookman, PC; Carold Corp.; Carnesi & Fergusen Esq.; Carteret Mortgage; Centerbank Mortgage Company; Center Island Funding Corp.; Champion Mortgage; Chase Home Mortgage Corp.; Chemical Bank; Churchill Mortgage; Ciaravino & Tedeschi; Citibank FSB; Citicorp Mortgage; Citibank Private Banking; Cityscape Corp.; City National Banking Corp.; City of Long Beach; Clifford J. Petroske, Esq., CLT Appraisal; Coastal Capitol Corp; Collective Federal Savings Bank; Coldwell Banker Relocation; Commercial Credit Corp.; Community Home Mortgage Corp.; Continental Capitol Corp.; County Seat; Countrywide Funding; Crossland Mortgage; Crossland Savings Bank; Crown Funding Corp.; CUC Mortgage Corp.; Dale Funding; Daniel Mandel, Esq.; Delta Funding Corp.; Diamond & Golub; Diane Carrol, Esq.; Dime Savings Bank; Discount Funding; DMA Funding; Domestic Bank; Donner, Harriton & Berka; Dreyfus Consumer Bank; Eagle Investors; Eastland Mortgage; Eastman Kodak Corp.; East West Mortgage; EHome Credit Corp.; Eloan; Empire of America Realty Credit Corp.; Estate Capital Funding; Equicredit Corp.; Equitable Relocation; Equity Now; Etrade Mortgage; Exchange Mortgage Corp.; Executive Mortgage Bankers; Express Financial Corp.; Farrell, Fritz, Caemmerer, Cleary, Barnoskey & Armentano; Federal Housing Administration (FHA-HUD); Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae); Fidelity National Appraisal; Field & Field, PC; George Findlay; First Deposit Select Equity; First Federal Savings And Loan of Rochester; First Fidelity Bank; First Funding; First Indiana Bank; First Nationwide Bank; First Security Financial Services; Fleet Financial; First West Mortgage Bankers; First American Title Insurance Co.; First Worldwide Relocation; Ford Consumer Finance Co.; Foster Mortgage Corporation; Francis J. Ceravolo, Esq.; Frederick C. Foster; Fremont Investment and Loan; FHB Funding; Freddi Mac; George Marks, Esq.; Gettysburg Funding; Goldome Realty Credit Corp.; Goodman & Osias; Greenberg & Tuchman; Greater NY Mortgage Corp.; Habitat for Humanity; Haig Chekanian; Heritage Equity; Herman & Meruelo; HFC Stars East; Home Equity; Homer Funding; The Home Savings Bank; Honorable Daniel F. Luciano; Honorable Edwin Kassoff; Honorable Eli F. Wager; Honorable Frank S. Rossetti; Honorable Gail A. Prudenti; Honorable John S. Lockman; Household Consumer Bank; Household Mortgage Services; Howard Esterces, Esq.; HUD; Hudson Bay Mortgage; ICA Mortgage Corp.; Imperial Savings Association; IndyMac Bank; Ira Furman; Irving Mandell; Island Mortgage Network; Jacoby & Meyers; Jaspan, Schlesinger & Hoffman, LLC; Joel E. Jacobson & Co.; Joel Brandes, Esq.; John Krilla Associates; Julie Pichard; Kadillac Mortgage Corp.; KeyCorp Mortgage; Leo Tekiel, Esq.; Lewis Shebar, Esq.; Levitz, Trossman, Meyerson & Zorn; Liberty Mortgage Banking, Ltd.; Lincoln Savings Bank; Litas Investing Corp.; L. David Toupin; Loan America; Malone, Tauber & Sohn PC; Marchese & Sallah, PC; Marine Midland Bank; Marriott Corp.; Martin & Molinari; Mary Ellen Sullivan; Meridian Mortgage; Metrofund Corporation; Mid Island Equities; Mike Marino, Esq.; Mina Fanagan & Co.; Mirkin & Gordon; Mitchell Funding; M L Moskowitz & Co.; Mortgage Advisory; The Mortgage Professional; The Mortgage Shop; Mutual Mortgage Bankers; National Westminster Bank; New Jersey Mortgage and Investment Corp.; New York Federal Savings; New York State Supreme Court- Nassau & Suffolk Counties; Norstar Bank; Novastar Home Mortgage; Parmann Mortgage; Patricia Howlett; Philip Friedman, Esq.; Phillip Greene; Plainedge School District; Property Tax Reductions; Prism Mortgage; Providian Bank; Providian Home Loans, Prudential Real Estate Financial Services; Queens Postal FCU; RBC Mortgage; Resource One; Richard Banach, Esq.; Rita Eredics, Esq.; Robert Abrams; Roger A. Delisle; Royal Consultants; Ruth Pollack, Esq.; Rubin & Rothman; Sacs FCU; Save A Deal; Shearson Lehman Hutton; Sheryll Dorf, Esq.; Stamler & Eisenberg; Stanley Somers, Esq.; Somerset Mortgage; Suffolk County; The Money Store; Thomas A. Lifland, Esq.; Town of Hempstead; Town of Islip; Transamerica Relocation; Ulster Savings Bank; Union Bank; Union Bank of Finland; United Credit Bureau Services; United Mortgage Guaranty; Village of Freeport; Westbury Federal; William J. Shelfo, Esq.; William D. Wexler; Yegen Equity; Zuckerman & Zuckerman.

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Ken Rossman, Boynton Beach, Florida Certified General Real Estate Appraiser

Hi, my name is Ken Rossman, i'm a certified general real estate appraiser serving Southeastern Palm Beach County, Florida with excellent Residential, Commercial, Industrial and land Appraisal Valuation Services. I can help you with appraisal services for all intended uses to fit your needs. I have over thirty five years experience with all types of real property and for all intended uses. I service the following areas: Atlantis, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Greenacres, Hypoluxo, Lantana, Lake Worth and Wellington and specialize in gated communities, luxury homes, waterfront homes, villas and condos! If you are looking for honest, independent and ethical real estate valuation expert at a reasonable price, I am the man for you. I will help you with any appraisal services that you require. Please contact me, Ken Rossman at 561-200-4478.


Where Your Complete Satisfaction is the Real Value

Appraising Real Estate on Long Island for Over Forty Years

Now Certified General #RZ3504 in Florida, serving southern Palm Beach CountyExtensive Residential (waterfront, luxury homes, multi-family, apartment buildings, mixed use), Land (individual lots, subdivisions); Non-Complex Commercial (retail stores, strip shopping centers, restaurants, diners, office buildings, auto service facilities, gas stations, body shops, funeral homes, marinas, mixed use); Industrial (factories, warehouses, R & D facilities); Specialty: Environmental and other stigma damage, expert witness/court testimony, minority discount/partial interests, life estates, retrospective appraisals (data back to 1972) Real Estate Appraisal ExperienceBoynton Beach, Florida FL year round resident.Very Fast Turnaround - 2 to 3 day average on non-complex single family residential real estate appraisals and 7 to 10 days on most non-complex commercial properties.Accurate, Reliable, Clearly Written Real Estate Appraisal ReportsBy a Highly Seasoned FL State Certified General (FL # NZ3504) Real Estate AppraiserOne to two day SUPER RUSH real estate appraisalservice available for bail bonds, etc. at additional cost.



Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Consultation

Chuck Brannon, Pastor - Gateway Community Church
I'm glad to recommend Ken Rossmann, Appraiser, to you with high marks. He recently completed a land appraisal for Gateway Community Church. His work was well done, accurate, complete, on time and met all the needs we had in seeking the appraisal to sell our property. As a result we signed a contract with our potential buyer and the appraisal was right on target. Very importantly, his price for the work was reasonable and the value we received enabled us to move forward in our goals. Chuck Brannon, Pastor Gateway Community Church
Andrew S.
I contacted Ken for a last minute appraisal on a residential real estate transaction. He was immediately responsive and even agreed to meet me at the property the next day (which was a Saturday.) He finished the appraisal very quickly and I was so happy with the quality of his work. He was able to locate information about the property which ended up being very important in the negotiation/closing process. I would absolutely recommend him and I will use his services again.
Marc Altman
Mr. Rossman I am writing this letter to say thank you for all your professional guidance and assistance in developing an appraisal for my home in West Palm Beach. You were very cordial, on time, not only for our appointment but also in finalizing the appraisal within 3 days of your review. Thank you also for spending time to explain your conclusions and educating me on the process of how the market works today. You had some great pictures of my home and I have used them to market my home on various websites. I highly recommend any person whom is looking for an appraisal for their home should contact you for your expert knowledge and services. Thank you Marc Altman 8/6/14
David K.
We're a non-profit in NY and were gifted some empty land in S Florida. Donor requested appraisal for tax purposes. Ken was highly recommended and proved worthy of it. Professional, timely, detailed report and fair price add up to top notch!
Chris M.
Chris M I needed an appraisal to help me decide on a listing price for my home that I am selling in Ocean Ridge. I found Ken through searching for a real estate appraiser on Google. I called and Ken answered the phone which is a first sign of a good company. I explained what I wanted and Ken said he could have the appraisal completed within 2 days. He did a thorough job and as promised I had the appraisal in 2 days. I have no reservation is recommending Ken to someone that is looking for a professional service that is super responsive.
C Salla
Ken Rossman performed an appraisal for me recently. He was very professional, courteous and completed the assignment quickly. I received the report via email which was very helpful to me. I would highly recommend him to any one needing an appraisal.
Christopher Massaria
" I am a New York State Certified real estate appraiser for over 15 years and I frequently get requests for appraisals of commercial properties. I always refer the client to Ken who is very professional, courteous and his prices are very fair and competitive. His appraisal reports are accurate, extremely thorough and his turn around time is fast"
Marlies Maier
Hi Ken, I would like to thank you for your excellent service. I am very happy with your appraisal, and your very fast service. I will recommend you to any one who could use your service. It was a pleasure dealing with you.
Matt Free
Excellent knowledge of appraisals and will help you with any situation.
G Gauth
I found Ken Rossman listing on the internet. All of our communication was via email. I was completely satisfied with the appraisal and the comprehensive and detailed report he provided me within a timely manner. I will not hesitate to recommend Ken to family and friends.
R Conklin2
Kenneth M Rossman performed an appraisal for me recently. He was very professional and completed the assignment in a timely manner. I would highly recommend him to any one needing an appraisal.
I am a Trust & Estates Partner in a NYC law firm. Mr. Rossman provided me with a thorough and comprehensive appraisal of a single family residence for a decedent's estate tax return that I believe will withstand scrutiny on any IRS audit examination. I was extremely pleased with the quality of the appraisal provided and his professional demeanor. The turn around time was 3 days and his fee was exceptionally reasonable. I have no hesitancy in recommending him to anyone needing a real estate appraisal from an experienced professional.
J Nocella
Mr. Rossman was a consummate professional. He was highly knowledgeable, courteous and responsive. We needed appraisals on commercial property and Mr. Rossman's work was not only as good, if not better, than other appraisers we've hired in the past, but his fees were more reasonable. I wouldn't hesitate to use his services again or to recommend him to anyone.
Exceptional Commercial Appraisers at a fair and Reasonable Price Ken Rossman and his staff exceeded our expectations in every way. They provided a professional appraisal report on a very unusual property in a very timely manner and for a reasonable fee. I would recommend them very highly.
Led Zeppole
Prompt, professional service I needed an up-to-date appraisal in a hurry, and I got it! Ken was thorough and professional. I couldn't be more pleased. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him, or use him again.
Appraisal I was extremely pleased with the service I received from Ken Rossman. I spoke with him on my first phone call and had an appointment for an appraisal within the week. I received prompt and professional service. The appraisal was extremely thorough and very professional looking. I would recommend this company to anyone in need of an appraisal.
We used Mr Rossman twice for appraisals… We used Mr Rossman twice for appraisals, he was very professional, courteous and turn around time was great, his price was very fair also
commercial appraisal Ken was very professional. He came in on budget and on time. When I was looking for an appraiser I called a few listed and Ken called back in a timely manner. Other appraisers did not even return my calls. Ken took my information and gave me a comprehensive report on the property I was interested in.I would have not purchased the property at the price I was able to without this report. I have already recommended Ken to a member of family and will use him again when I need an appraiser.
Extremely efficient service. Highly recommended. My fathers house was appraised within a couple of days of my calling. We received the appraisal within 2 or 3 days via e-mail. I requested a printed copy, and received it immediately. I was very pleased with the service, and the promptness in which it was delivered.
AFL from Boca Raton, FL
Can count on them! As a private lender we need accurate appraisals especially in today's markets. Rossman's advice goes beyond the appraisal. He shares his knowledge and experience which helps us to make decisions on difficult loans.We would not use anyone else for the five NYC counties and the two L.I.counties.

Appraising Real Estate - 40+ Years experience. Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Land, Partial Interests, Life Estates, Storm/Stigma/Environmental Damage, Retrospective, Medicaid, Tax Planning etc