Mark Minor, LEHP (Minor Environmental well and septic ins.) Services for Real Estate Pros



Mark Minor
location_on Vernon Hills, IL — Minor Environmental well and septic ins.
Get to Know Mark Minor

 At MINOR ENVIRONMENTAL, we can accurately report the current, past, and future use of any septic, and well with confidence. I've done 40,000 inspections for almost 20 years, in the Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin area. No other inspection service will go out on a limb to tell you anything about a system that has not been lived in. They will in most cases ask for a 30 day re inspection at an additional fee. 

 When you purchasing a foreclosure, there's no hold back, or escrow in the event of a septic failure. That means you'll burden the cost of replacing the system.  The newer system can cost as much as 30 thousand dollars. That's a huge chunk of change on your good deal if it ends up being bad.

 How about if the homes on a private well? Relax, we'll check its flow, sanitary condition, type, and test it pot ability, and nitrate level for a safe water supply

 When MINOR ENVIRONMENTAL Looks at your system, we'll tell you everything you need to know now. You'll know exactly what you're getting. The techniques and methods I developed from the last 20 years, of inspecting every type of system, in every adverse condition work. Vacant or not, we can tell through experience the past, current, and future expectations. Call us today! Get that peace of mind you deserve! 


 Mark Minor LEHP, REHS, RS


Minor Environmental, Registered Sanitarians, Licensed Environmental Health Practitioners , after 20 years, and 40,000 septic and well inspections, 7 Counties surrounding Lake