Woodland Management Service, A consulting forestry company with field offices located throughout Wisconsin would like to help you with your land management goals. WMS has been working with private landowners in Wisconsin and throughout the United States for 27 years.
All Foresters and Wildlife Managers at Woodland Management have a minimum of a BS or MS Degree in Forestry and Wildlife Managment.
Bob has a Bs in Forest Administration and Wildlife Management from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point along with a Bs in Communications-Public Relations.
Bob has also worked for various companies and agencies throughout most of the United States and you will also find Woodland Management Service working in most of the country on various Inventory, Appraisal, and Forest Management projects.
The professionals at Woodland Management Service are also involved in working with various charitable and professional organizations including the Society of American Foresters, The Association of Consulting Foresters, The American Tree Farm Association, The WDNR Cooperative Forester Program, and more.