Lisa Ray (Rent Marketer) Services for Real Estate Pros



Lisa Ray
location_on Englewood, CO — Rent Marketer
Get to Know Lisa Ray

Started by an ex-Googler and internet / real estate junkies, Rent Marketer has grown to be one of the leaders in rental lead generation for real estate investors and property managers. With one click, Rent Marketer posts vacant property ads on over 50 different rental related websites.


We specialize in the rental market. We work with real estate investors, realtors and property managers to drive as many leads to their vacant properties as possible. Our clients post their vacant property one time with us and we then post that property on over 50 different rental sites including:

RentBitsRentalHomesPlusRentVineThisPropertyApartmentFrogAOLRealEstateBackPage**RentalSourceRentFindersVastLiveDealRentMarketerHouse.infoHotPadsMove.comGoogleBaseSubletGeeboOlx.comEdgeioForRentByOwner*eFindAdpostTenantUSRentalListingsOodle.comMetroLeasesFindMyRoofLycos.comFindHomeRentalsCityCribs.comRentKong**SimpleRent.comTenantplus.comCityLeasesRentInDenver**RentalResourceExaminerChoiceOfHomeseDirectionUrents.comNationalMultiListPropbotLocanto**TheRentManABetterWayplus more sites...

I run the sales and operations team for and also invest in real estate.