Talking with a REALTOR(r) because not all Lender's are created equal. Of course a Lender can claim the same things, LOL.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Debbie, I like them to talk to me first so the first person they talk to isn't a lender they find on the Internet.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Either way is ok but if they talk to me (Realtor) first I recommend the buyer to my favorite lender.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
I would prefer that they talk to the Realtor first. We can recommend good lenders.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Nice when people come in prepared, yet going to the lender sometimes leads them to another agent too.
Ideally, they will have already spoken with a lender to get an idea as to what price range thet are comfortable with, but I am happy to take clients out in the car without a prequal. By speaking with them and getting a few particulars from them, I can usually get a rough idea to what they would consider an allowable housing cost per month would be.
I think if a buyer has a good local and trusted lensed they used before, talk to the lender first. But if it may be a new buyer or relocation without knowing which lender to talk to, meeting with a good buyer broker can give you the resource and referral of a good local loan officer.
They can be kind of simultaneous. When anyone calls me about buying a home and has not spoken with a lender, I get them to do so asap, but I don't stop my conversations with them in the meantime.
John Meussner I have to laugh because as I was reading the Realtor answers I was thinking a lender would answer just the opposite. And up popped John. lol
And Debbie I prefer they speak to me first. Our area is a bit specialized with many different types of homes and property locations. I have had out of area lenders that just are not familiar with what is in the area. I can give the name of 2 or 3 different trusted local lenders. I know when I get a pre approval from them I can count on it at the finish. Mark
1: Talking to the lender would be a very first step to see if they are ready.
But I am always happy to refer them to a lender that I trust.
A lender pre-approval is the first step for a buyer. So a lender should be who they talk with first, at least to get the process started. I know many Realtors that won't give a buyer the time of day unless they're pre-approved already...so why not call the lender first and get it out of the way. Of course, in reality, the Realtor should check that pre-approval with a lender they trust, too, because not all pre-approvals are created equal.
If I can pick I do want them to talk to me and that way I establish a rapport. Some lenders could steer them away and then they may never call you.
Reading the comments below leads me to believe we REALTOR's(r) are control freaks by nature...
This should be relatively simple, Debbie Reynolds, It should be a real estate professional - who in turn will have connections with other professionals.
Talking with a Realtor if you are selling and a loan officer if you are buying.
You have the chance of losing the buyer if left to their own devices to find a lender. What if they choose one that doesn't know about all the programs available?
Depends, if you are a luxury buyer, you generally have your ducks in a row, if not a lender to find out how much you can afford. A
Either. Just depends on the buyer. If I were a buyer, I would choose a lender first. Then I would take my time talking to a variety of agents, of course it would depend on my schedule as well.
Ideally, lender. It's hard to go shopping when you don't know how much you have to spend!
Chicken or the egg! Anytime I get a call from a buyer, the first thing I ask is, "have you talked to a lender?" I actually prefer if they talk to a lended I am fimiliar with and know can get to the closing table, so I am always happy to hear when they say no.
I like the prospect to contact me first so I can explain why they need me. Then I can direct them to a trusted lender that will be sure to keep me in the loop.
If they haven't already spoken with a lender when they soeak with the Realtor, one of the first things the Realtor should do is advise them to speak with a lender.