I usually request the buyers to drive in their own cars.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Ron Aguilar
Saint George, UT
Debbie Davis
Phoenix, AZ
I don't take clients into consideration. Most want to ride in their own vehicles because of car seats for kids, etc. And, I don't want the extra liability.
Spring Haigler
Myrtle Beach, SC
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
William - on the surface it seems to be a straightforward question - but to be honest, I don't give it primary thought. I saved for 4 years and finally got a Volvo C70 convertible - and also have a 4 door S80 - of course the day I drove the convertible a couple came into town and wanted me to drive - so top went down, wife in front, husband (with long legs) in back and they LOVED feeling like islanders looking at ocean oriented places 'the way we want to live now' and ended up buying that day - so...............who knows!
Spring Haigler
Myrtle Beach, SC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Most of the time I do not drive my clients around. Since I cover such a large area, I usually meet them at the first property and then they follow me to the next one. I buy the vehicle I like with decent gas mileage, usually a mid-size SUV.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Debbie Davis
Phoenix, AZ
I don't drive clients anymore. Very rarely they join me as a driver. But I can, if they ask me to. I drive Prius( and very happy, I wish I dumped Lexus long time ago).
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Debbie Davis
Phoenix, AZ
We have 2 vehicles that look alike, but one can only have the driver and a passenger. The other has a back seat for passengers. Both are made for cargo. We have never had to haul anyone. They always meet us or follow us there.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Debbie Davis
Phoenix, AZ
So I can't! I have a two seater, a Chevy HHR.
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I don't have clients with me in my car.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I use the Ferrari for high dollar listings and car freaks and a 4 door truck if clients wants to hitch a ride with me.
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
I buy my car for my comfort and enjoyment. I rarely take a client in my car. They follow me on our showing tours. On a very rare occasion I will take a woman in my car with me (to save on mileage) but that's it. In 21 years we have made it a policy ... I never drive with a man passenger and my husband does not drive a female ... better to not take any chances to have a problem down the road. It works for us. But our car ... we choose for us not our clients.
Lucille A. Noble
Osterville, MA
I always have a great comfortable car for my clients to be in. I actually make my car choices based on that. The funny thing is hardly ever do they drive with me. They always want to meet me at the home. At least I am driving in comfort.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
If clients are from out of the area, and unfamiliar with our small town, I will often give them a general driving tour of the area. This introduces them to the different neighborhoods, which vary from subdivisions in town, to lakefront and forest properties, so I like to be prepared with a comfortable SUV.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Chevy Traverse. Great real estate SUV. How do you build rapport with clients when they are following you? I've seen some great decision making happen while we are riding around.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I prefer driving clients if they have no kids. Gives me a chance to observe when we drive up to homes or through neighborhoods.
But my top criterium is the trunk space!
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
We have read, and I have found to be true, buyers select the community before they select the home. In Florida, many of the buyers are "not from these parts" and have little knowledge of the community and the associated amenities, attractions and 'God given graces' that influence the quality of life.
I find having them in the same conveyance allows me to point out those features that are important to them but to also keep them oriented regarding where they are geographically.
Whether I doing the 25 cent chamber tour, or looking at houses, there exists a benefit in having the buyer in the vehicle.
But here's the problem. Agents take care of business during this windshield time and having the client present is not beneficial, respectful or productive in the assessment of the agent. That makes a POLICY of 'bring your own car' convenient and necessary at the same time......until the buyers gets lost.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
If I had my druthers, I'd have a little sports car! But since I do need to drive more than one person around comfortably, I stick with my Honda Accord Sedan. Comfortable ride and lots of leg space in back seat.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Four doors are a must....too many relocation clients and our own ease of putting and getting things from the back seaat not to have a car that has that feature.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
My real estate vehicle is a Dodge Durango that I bought used for the immediate $20k depreciation for my taxes. Time to do that again or maybe buy a pick up truck for that deduction this time.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I do make sure the backseat is comfortable for those times that I do have clients ride with me. I don't go for showy though. I drive what I like to drive and that is usually an SUV.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I buy something a family of 4 can ride with me comfortably. I like my buyers to ride with me. It gives me more time to get to know them, tell them about Dahlonega and time to talk about the homes we just got through looking at. The more I learn about what they like and don't like the better I can help guide them to a home that they will love. I just closed one a couple of weeks ago and have another one set to close in a couple of weeks that I suggested the client see. The homes were not on their list to see but having seen the homes myself and learning what the client wanted I knew the homes were a fit for them.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I like the smaller SUVs. I love my Subaru. It's my third one, and I will probably get another one. They last forever and go anywhere. I sort of keep my business in mind when buying a car, but the type of car I get works well for my business, too.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I bought an SUV so I never (hopefully) get stuck wherever I go. I do buy a big enough one to put 3 clients in my car if needed.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I'm in process of making a change. I inherited Liz's 1999 Miata (only 130k in miles) when we bought the SUV in 2013. I handle all the buyer work, so as you can guess, they follow me. The problem, Miata and snow is NOT a good combo, so I either wind up borrowing the SUV when I can, or renting a car when I can't. And the Miata doesn't transport yard signs either. I'm about to buy another car in the next few months, and my initial inclination is a Scion Xb or a Kia Soul. I want smaller, but able to handle a sign and some cargo as needed. Obviously, still not planning to have the buyers ride with me. Bill
I bought a Mustang Covertible a couple of years ago because I go up and down a mountain during the week. I don't drive clients because I don't want the extra liability and everyone I've dealt with understands.
Heck, who even needs a car. I'm in the middle of doing a totally paperless deal online and have never seen the listing broker or the seller. I think the only thing I'll have to do is meet with the escrow company to sign any docs that may need a wet sig.
Plus, with all my surfboards, wetsuits, towels, etc. there's very little room for anyone except me and I drive a Flex! LOL!
I don't drive my clients around, but I do most of my own staging, so I bought a car I could haul stuff in, but also looks nice enough that my clients don't see me in a crummy car.
I take into consideration that an occasional buyer will ride with me in my vehicle. The back seat must be comfortable. As many have said, most buyers follow us in their own vehicles.
My new car was purchased with some thought to driving clients to showings. It's a great choice even if I wasn't considering that but on Kauai we have lots of people shopping who may have difficulty finding places or prefer not to bother with driving.
It depends on the clients. Are they here from out of town or local. Are we looking at 1 house or many. I drive a mini van so I have options.
Always for clients, but I've been thankful in the past when they followed me!
I always offer to drive, but more and more clients want to drive themselves. Driving is the best way to engage and build rapport with clients. I always own a vehicle that can accommodate clients if needed. It may not be my primary driver, but it's part of my toolbox.
I don't normally drive folks around, not even the ones I really know. It's more of convenience in that case than security for the latter. To answer your question, I'd buy the vehicle for the area, I sell in rural horse country therefore a 4x4 is needed. I do have a 4-door in the event I do need, or want, to take my client(s) with me and it's easier to get in and out of the vehicle for some.
I generally use my Odyssey van to transport clients because I value my time and can navigate the traffic and know exactly where I'm going. I also get to ask more questions and get more time to promote myself and my business.
Since a two seater has no attraction for me, I buy a car big enough to carry passengers -- not because i want to carry passengers but because that is the car that works for me personally.
I always have my clients follow me or meet me at the property....I drive a jag. I like to have them follow so that they can discuss their thoughts about the property even though we have talked together. By the time we reach the next showing they have much more to say to me personally. I very seldom, if ever, get into their cars or have them join me in mine. This is a safety precausion.
Prepared for all possibilities. Crew Cab Chevy Silverado with Sun roof. I like it for myself. It's roomy and comfortable so I can carry clients on the rare occassion that happens any more ands I can just as easily haul appliances or materials for my rental of mulch for home.