Two things not being realistic about the price and knowing something is wrong with the home and not willing to disclose it. I'll walk away
Raul Rodriguez
San Antonio, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
When I have someone start telling me they know how to sell a home and what needs be done to do so. If that is the attitude going in it will only get worse. If they really know how to sell a home why are they interviewing agents? There was a time but no more. Top of the evening Jeff. Mark
Raul Rodriguez
San Antonio, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Telling me things about the property that I am not allowed to disclose. And, YES, I just told a seller I would walk away from a listing I was already hired for if they tried to pull that. Not worth it and we are not defrauding buyers. Also, unrealistic list prices ... I am happy to walk if they are shooting for the moon ... it's a waste of my time and marketing dollars to do that. Everyone wants to list high and get top dollar but if you're too far above fair, I'll just call you when the agent you hire can't sell the home at your crazy price and talk to you about your expired listing.
Raul Rodriguez
San Antonio, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes. I have refused to work with unethical past clients.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Jeff Dowler CRS When they refuse to disclose a known defect. That's one choo-choo I am not taking a ride on.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Insisting on a totally incorrect price and/or refusing outright to do what's needed to "stage" the home. Comments about lots of showing restrictions would round out my top three here.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Good morning Jeff. It has been many years since I have taken a listing. Someone that lies and is totally unrealistic about price, these two things would be the kiss of death.
Make it a great week!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
When a seller tells me a price that I KNOW for sure it will not sell. That's the killer.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Jeff - There are a few things that come to mind; Anything illegal that they would ask me to do, if they are unrealistic about the sales price, if I can see there will be a clash of personalities from our listing appointment, or initial meeting.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Seems we have a bit of consistency, with too high a price (and other unrealistic expectations), being unethical, not wanting to disclose, and legal issues (e.g., Fair Housing)being the main issues.
Asking to vet buyers by all things that go against the Equal Housing law, and not wanting to disclose...A
I once had a prospective seller say "I don't care about the comps." For me, that was the kiss of death - comps are critical not only to sales but to appraisals.
If the seller wants me to list the home at a price higher than the sold comparables in the area (unless they will sign an agreement stating that they will allow me to reduce the price to what I suggested after no activity). If I am doing exactly what needs to be done to try to sell their home and they are consulting with others that are not agents and telling me that I should do this, that or the third, I will walk away and won't look back. I don't care how much commission I will lose!
I will not take a listing where I find that the sellers are unethical .
Say "well I know the house down the street sold for XX amount of dollars, but ours is better" I want XX more than they got (just weeks ago). I also don't want a sign in the yard and we need to have at least 24 hour notice for each showings...and they go on and on on their requirements.....
My sister and I are co-owner. I want to sell, she does not. Perhaps when we get a good offer, she will change her mind.
Jeff Dowler CRS Asking me not to comply with the Fair Housing Act when showing their property.
I have heard many agents say unrealistic expectations are the death knell in the transaction.