Are you pre-approved with a lender? We will need a signed pre-qual to make an offer, that should be any prospective buyers first move. Next, are you working with a local Realtor? If not, that should be step #2, if they are not working with someone, I suggest myself and lets get to work!
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Cassandra V
Cypress, TX
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Sam Shueh
San Jose, CA
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I think you inadvertently answered your own question. If they're using financing, "have you been pre-approved". If they have not, they're not serious. If they're using cash, "can you send me proof of funds for my file?". If they won't, they're not serious. Serious buyers know there's a process, and they're willing to take the necessary steps to secure the right property quickly when they find it.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Tai-An Lugo
Frederick, MD
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Show me Lender proof and I know you're serious.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
same here. Have you been preapproved by a local major lender? Sir, I am very busy closing deals. Could you come back when ready?
That is the script I would use....
Jewel Swinton
Greenville, SC
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Sam Shueh
San Jose, CA
I would always want to see a lender letter stating they are qualified to buy a home, if not they do not get in my car.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Sam Shueh
San Jose, CA
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
- I want to help EVERYONE!
- I have to help myself too.
- I have learned my lesson.
In that order, I had managed to assist several people only to end up out of $$$ and time with nothing to show for it but lookie loos. Remember, you are in this to support yourself (unless you are not) and in the end, unless they buy something, you can not do that. This is BUSINESS. If they are unable to do business then you can not do business with them.
Good luck and don't let the ones who get defensive frustrate you. Remember, they were 'just looking' anyway.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Jewel Swinton
Greenville, SC
Jill Moog
Carlsbad, CA
I ask prospects if they will be paying CASH or granting a mortgage for the property. This is a power granting question to any prospect. And it infers you believe they will win the bid.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Tammy Adams ~ Realtor ...
Maricopa, AZ
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I need them to sign a buyers rep agreement, and get pre approved. Then I need to find out: 1 Where do you want to buy, 2. When do you want to buy, 3. Why do you want to buy. Until I know all of this I don't consider them to be serious.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
This is how I ask. What type of loan are you appoved for FHA, conventional, etc? When they dont know you already have your answer. Respond it is very impotant to know , not all homes can be purchased thru certain types of financing. It takes out that they just want to know how much money I have remark
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
With no MLS and no pre-qualification procedures in place it must be very frustrating practicing in Dominica; best of luck to you.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I have one. May I see your pre-approval letter?
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Have you met with a lender? What is prompting your move? What is your budget for buying a home? Do you have a down payment of 5 to 10 %?
This is a few questions!
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Are they pre-approved? If they are not ready to write why show them soemthing they can not buy?
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
You learn very quickly that you can't help everyone. I ask very hard questions, check them out, get them in touch with my lender if they don't know what they qualify for. If they plan to pay cash, I want to know where the money is coming from. Frankly, I don't have the time to spend with "future" buyers, who think they might retire or move to my area. Being "nice" has nothing to do with it. "Wanting to help everyone" is very time consuming. Real estate is a business and I treat it as such. Abviously those hard questions are asked in a nice way so you don't put them off. Often you can give them advice as to where to look themselves until they are really ready.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
You have to find a balance that works for you in your market.
"people get defensive when your questions even hint that they cannot afford the home or they do not want you to know how much they make"
My advice is don't hint...be direct. Are you serious about buying a home or are you just looking right now? If they're serious ask, "are you buying with cash or do you plan to get financing?"
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I find that when I just start talking to them and talk about process, etc I end up getting the answers I need without putting them on defense which tends to happen with even this simple question
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
This is a business, not a hobby.
Time for you to treat it like a business and yourself as THE business owner.
Now is the right time to contact one of your lending partners and get informed regarding what they will ask the buyer in a five minute conversation. You should know the 5 RED FLAGS a lender will look for. Now it's your choice if you want to be a hand=on business owner and ask those 5 questions or do the handoff to your lending partner.
But be aware, this is a business, not a hobby. Treat your business as such.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
The others have given you good advice. You should ask them if tehy have met with a lender .
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I'm in agreement with most of the comments already here. Asking if they have been preapproved for a mortgage is critical in knowing how serious they are. If they state they are paying cash, then asking for a proof of funds letter is not out of line. If they find a house they want to purchase, they have to be ready with those two things anyway. Wasting time at the back end to get them could result in them losing the house they want.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I would definitely ask if they have been prequalified with a lender and who that lender was. If you don't use buyer representation forms I can see you will waste lots of time showing houses for nothing.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Have you been pre-approved by a lender?
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Jillian La Rocque - right now, you should enjoy your marriage!
And when you come back - ask them:
If we go out to preview a home tomorrow and you just fall in love with it. On a scale of 1 to 10, what will be your response on writing an offer for that home - 10 being NOW and 1 means not so soon,
Any response below 7 means you are going to have a long association with this buyer.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
There is no one question that's guaranteed to secure that buyer. Just ask questions regarding motivation. I don't work with buyers who are looking for a deal or who will buy if the right house comes along. I refer those out as well as investors. I only work with current seller clients who need to buy or any buyer who NEEDS to buy ASAP. It's sooo much better.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
Everyone who gets into this business goes through the pattern of showing unqualified buyers properties. When you dont have anything going on, you tend to spend alot of time NOT making money. When I receive an inquiry on a property or speak with a potential buyer, the first question I ask them is whether or not they are working with another real estate agent. If they are not, then we have a further conversation getting to know each other and building rapport. Then I ask them questions about if they have started or how far along they are in the loan process. As expected, they usually haven't even seen a lender. I explain the process, why it's important to get pre-approved, and connect them up with a reputable lender.
If they get indignent about the process or dont want to share anything with me, that's a red flag and I will usually cut them loose to go waste someone esle's time.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I have adopted a policy of meeting every prospect once. When I show them a couple of homes, we engage in a more natural conversation than the fist one over the phone. After that, the buyer prospects must contact a lender and start the pre-approval process for me to go ou wih them again.
Jillian La Rocque
St Thomas, VI
I usually ask why they want to buy? What time frame? Do you have a down payment saved up? If so how much? etc. Try to learn as much about them as possible. That will give you a good idea if your going to be wasting your time or not.
Why do you not have a pre-qualification process? That makes ZERO sense.
If a buyer is offended when I ask them if they've had a chance to talk to a mortgage banker, it means that they can't get a mortgage. Be firm, but respectful.
"Showing homes to buyers that aren't pre-approved with a lender does not fit my business model, and it's not how I work. If that's something you're uncomfortable with, maybe it's best you call somebody else."
It's that easy.