Getting things lined up and ready to make a quick move to open my own business smoothly.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I think many take time to make a change because they have pending transactions and they are fearful that the broker/owner will take a large chunk for followup....if one wants to make a change, cut the chains that bind you and go on to the next office....it will cost you more money to stay and wait for closings....and the new deals will continue to come....
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Due diligence started immediately, made the change in less than a month, taking 21 listings with us (written in to our ICA).
I agree with Barbara Todaro most of the agents I see that are hesitating is due to having several transactions pending and they do not want to lose those commissions, obviously the reason we were looking at them in the first place was because of their production levels... but at some point they need to cut the apron strings and move on to greener pastures.
The only hesitation is in the planning of the next move. Get your ducks lined up before you just jump out there. That's not hesitation.
Just getting all my ducks in a row...Planning my listings and sales to correspond to my leaving as much as possible.
Being busy running my business is the #1 factor and the disruption a move causes will often have you second-guessing yourself about making a move in the first place.
Why else would an agent willingly pay 9% to a franchise then 35% to a broker year after year after year afer year except they 'BELIEVE' they can not succeed without that arrangement.
The FEAR OF CHANGE exceeds the fear of staying the same.
Good morning Evelyn. On the mortgage side, there are many that would move to another office, but many wouldn't get hired. I interview many an seldom add someone new.
My first place sold us but I think the key for me would be when I wasn't being appreciated but more so if the brokerage violated my personal standard of integrity with not only me but my clients or the community
Evelyn Johnston we become complacent - so you want to work it out first with your existing brokerage - unless something drastic happens.
Never happened to me. I loved my former broker and I bought his company when he retired.